Chapter 1

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A grotesque scene... Arthur, a forty-seven year old man running for state representative, had multiple blunt blows to the head. His family was horrified.

"If only we had stayed with him..." said the wife.

"Maybe our daughter would've had more time with him," she blurted out whilst crying pools of tears.

"I can't imagine our daughter growing up without a father!" she said before running to her room to pack a bag for her and the daughter. They couldn't bear the sight of that house and I doubt they'll ever recover.


"Forensics is checking the area, we need to solve this fast. The town is going crazy." Ethan said words flowing off his tongue so fast an average person wouldn't understand.

"I don't blame them, this is the fifth murder this month alone and all of our leads are cold, we have nothing to go off," Terry said while putting on some blue plastic gloves before entering the scene. The house was a heap of trash, a layer of paper covering the floor getting around them was a vicious game of hopscotch Ethan subtly giggled at the site of this, for it reminded him of his childhood. Ethan searched the house for hours just to leave empty hands just like the rest of the cases.

"Ethan!!" Alina said, sprinting over with a smile stretching from one ear to the other.

"Bitch slow down, I'm too fat for this!" Cozbi said in a joking manner, groaning with exhaustion. Two girls that are relatively well dressed, one with strawberry hair that perfectly encapsulates her energetic and wild personality. The second is a noirette girl with skin like charcoal. She looks like a character straight out of a Tim Burton movie though her name was Cozbi most of everyone called her CB.

"Wow! CB you seem to have an increased amount of energy today, did you finally go to bed at a reasonable hour?" Ethan said with a slight smirk tipping up to his left ear.

"Not by choice..." Cozbi said with a blank expression not seeming impressed with his unoriginal comment.

"How was work, Ethan? Sorry we weren't there," spoke Alina.

"It was fine... How was your guy's date?" Ethan said breaking eye contact, obviously avoiding the previous question.

"O.M.G, guess what we did?! " Alina said excitement lighting up in her eyes

"Oh I don't-" "We went and got ice cream, I got cookies and cream," Alina said, interrupting Ethan.

"It was really good. Anyway, then we went to the fair and CB won me this ginormous penguin plush! His name is Fredrick!" Alina declared interrupting Ethan.

"Heh... so original '' Cozbi remarked in her obvious sarcastic tone. Cozbi's remark seemed to spark a bit of a correlation between her and Alina

"I think Fredrick is a cute name!" Alina explained her face starting to droop into a frown.

"It fits him! I mean look at his face!" said Alina in a lowered voice that sounded raspy and harsh.

"Fine! Fine! If I apologize will you get it out of my goddamn face?" Cozbi said backing away from the plush that Alina so carelessly shoved in her face.

"First you have to admit I am right! He does look like Fredrick! Right? Right?" Alina said, seemingly begging for Cozbi's approval of something so worthless as a stuffed animal.

"Ugh! Fine, he does now get him out of my face!" Cozbi yelped, desperate to get away from her. In the corner, Ethan was laughing so hard tears had begun bubbling to the surface. After everyone calmed down Ethan started to fill them in on what was on at the scene as they walked aimlessly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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