Chocolate ♦ Box

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"I didn't give you chocolate this year, so don't give me a White Day gift in return! I will not accept it!"

Almost a month has passed since Valentine's Day, which means that White Day is coming again.

Rin has warned Len, or something in that sense, way before White Day that he doesn't have to give her a gift in return. After all, she didn't really gave him a formal Valentine gift this year, so she felt it was a little bit weird for her if Len buys her a present.

But Len disagrees. Although it is true that he did not get a proper gift, it was not her fault. Rin's feelings has been conveyed to him through multiple notes and chocolate candies she placed everywhere for him, so he still want to return her efforts in someway. So he proposed a date on White Day.

This whole thing was a bit sweet at first, then disappeared without a trace on White Day because the two of them quarreled again.

It was not like it's a big deal or anything. It's common for them to quarrel, and they always made up later.

But today is White Day.

The two planned to meet outside this afternoon for the date, but it was like things were destined to be a mess from the very beginning. Len was almost half an hour late, and Rin stood there and kept calling and texting him. After they finally met up, Len then of course apologized for a while before even starting the date.

Although they went shopping together, Rin soon noticed that Len was different from his usual self.

First of all, he kept yawning, even when he was walking, seems like he was really sleepy.

Second, she noticed his almost never changing expression. Rin thought he might be bored because she was looking at women's clothing for quite a while. However, even when Rin was chatting with him, no matter what topic she brought up, his response was "uh huh" or "hmm", the type of responses that makes people feel perfunctory.

Even though he looked sleepy and bored, he was constantly look around and scratched his head from time to time, looking more wacky than he ever was.

Finally, the last straw being every time Rin looked away from him, even for a second, Len started looking at his phone. When she asked what's on his phone, he would gave her the most vague answer possible.

"What's up with you today?"


The dissatisfaction finally accumulated to a point, and Rin could no longer bear but confront him, but Len doesn't seem to understand what situation he puts himself into.

"You were the one that suggested a date! Then you were late, kept on yawning and yawning. I guessed it must be really boring for you to shopped with me!"

"No, that's not-"

"You are always full of energy around other people, why are you so depressed when you are with me?" Rin was full of rage, unwilling to give him a chance to explain.

"Let me explain..."

"Seriously, what's up with you? I hate you!"

Rin spat out the words along with her anger. She hated it when Len didn't understand how she felt about things, be it on purpose or not. She doesn't care about this date or whatever. Now she just wants to clear all this mess with Len.

Len sighed, he wanted to explain things in a calmly manner but now he's angry too. After waiting for Rin to finish with her words, it's his turn now.

"If you're done talking, let me tell you a few things then."

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