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So before we begin at the short stories and such, I just would like for you guys to know whenever my classmates and I write a story "together" we are actually just playing a writing game. You basically have a minute or two to write down a bit of the story and then go to the next paper and make it whatever you want with those characters but have somewhat of the plot. And so every time a student switches to another I will make paragraphs for each different person so you can see other people's thoughts and such. Here are some examples:

Bob the builder was watching the pretty clouds and fixed his hat to go work on a house to repair

(Next person:) but when he got to the house John Cena appeared and proposed to Bob and-

(Next:) Bob said, "Ew! You are so disgusting you burly muscular sweaty guy! I'll never marry you!"

(Quit for now)
And so on and if you are at your paper you need to finish it and all. But here are some symbols for you to keep in mind:
Classmates and my stories: ⏰📄
My free writing stories: 😭📝

Alright now that's out of the way you can now enjoy this random crap :D

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