Chloe pod
Chloe clementine blaney bowman Byron
Mom x3Elle (left) Audre (middle) Zoe ( right)
Elle Ellie clementine blaney
6 pounds 5 ounces 20 inches longAudre Ellie clementine bowman
6 pound 5 ounces 20 inch longZoe Ellie clementine Byron
6 pounds 5 ounces 20 inches longRyan pov
Damn I got a daughter??? I was hoping for a son not a girl but I got what I wantedAlex pov
Damn I got a daughter?? I was hoping for a son not a girl but I got what I wantedWilliam a pov
I got a daughter now yes sir
I'm excited to be a dad to this sweet innocent little princess