Chapta 5

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I stood up, shaking, looking at Jimin and that smile he always had turned upside down. I couldn't bear it "j-jimin please, it's not what it looks like." I said as my voice shaked. "y/n? What do you mean 'it's not what it looks like?" Jungkook said with such a serious voice I've never heard from him before. "LOOK IT'S JUST VERY CONFUSING RIGHT NOW OKAY?" yelling it almost hurt everybody's ears in the restaurant. "I'm in such a confusing place in life. Jimin I love you, I really do, and moving away from you really hurt my heart.. But jungkook.. Oh Jungkook, how he treats me so special and being childhood friends has brought me so much joy thinking of our old memories." tears rolling down my face, standing there in such embarrassment. "I'm sorry if I betrayed both of you. I just really needed somebody here, and the only person who was with me I've lost now, so.." I looked up, fixing my hair and wiping my tears away. I walked out, not turning back knowing I lost both of my lovers. I soon heard footsteps running behind me, and suddenly I heard a voice "Y/N!! WAIT" I turned around, it was Jungkook "Y/N PLEASE WAIT!" "Jungkook please.. I've messed up so badly already there's nothing you can do to fix my mistakes." I told him "y/n don't leave me.. Everybody I've ever loved has left me." He looked into my eyes, but I couldn't keep looking at him. I felt too bad. RING! Went the bell, Jimin opened the door and walked outside, a frown on his face. "So, it looks like you'll have to choose.." He said, crossing his arms. I thought for a moment, then finally replied, "Could-could I think about it?" They both nodded. Jimin walked back to his car, opening the door. Jungkook leaned in and whispered into my ear, "Still comin' to that party?" I nodded. He smirked and winked. "I'm gonna call an Uber, you don't have to drive me home." He shrugged, walking back to his car. I watched as they drove back to their homes. I stood for a moment, thinking. I sighed, and pulled out my phone, calling an Uber. I walked back to my apartment, and unlocked the door to my house. I sighed, jumping on the couch and curling in my blanket. "I never should've dated Jungkook..I just wish I could have both of them." I sighed, putting my phone underneath my pillow, muffling it in case someone would try to call me. A paper slid from underneath my blanket, I sat up, picking it up. "What the-" I quickly read the paper's cover. "Jungkook's Yacht Party!" I gasped, suddenly remembering. Should I go? I thought, pondering the question. Would JImin assume I chose Jungkook? I stood up, stretching. "Well..It wouldn't hurt to go..It doesn't mean anything." I said, trying to convince myself. "Yeah, it'll be fun." I nodded, walking to my kitchen to make myself some cereal. The sun was shining down on me as I awoke, yawning. My hair was an absolute mess, I grabbed a brush and tried to untangle the mess. I put on a red cropped sweater and some lulu lemon jeans. (skull emoji) I put my hair in a ponytail, and stared confidently into the mirror. "This'll be fine." I tried to smile, but it looked rather awkward. I picked up the invitation, it said the party was at 12:00 am, so I had plenty of time. I turned on the TV and made my way to the kitchen again, making toast. RING! I looked down, Jungkook was calling. I sighed in relief, but then felt guilty. Poor Jimin was probably going through a lot right now. I picked up my phone, "Hello?" I asked, already knowing what Jungkook was going to say. "Hey, are you going to the Yacht party?" He asked, a hint of longing in his voice. "Yup, just got ready actually." I smiled. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Really? Great!" He ended the call without saying goodbye, but I didn't expect him to, I'm surprised he wasn't even more mad at me. I heard the toaster ding, taking out the toast and spreading raspberry jam on it. To pass the time I watched TV, until I heard my timer ring. "It's time!" I gasped, grabbing my bag and rushing down the stairs, jumping into my car. I went to the party, the ride there was a hazy blur of jazz music and nervous anticipation. I parked the car, and noticed tons of people waiting to join. I could hardly believe he invited so many people. "Hey Y/N!" I heard a voice yell my name, I walked over, smiling. "Hey Jungkook!" He smiled back, "So glad you could make it. Well, I think that's everyone." He pressed a button, a bridge falling down, the people rushed inside. He grabbed my hand and began to walk through the crowd. He walked to the Karaoke stage, and grabbed a microphone, his fingers still entwined with mine. He cleared his throat. "Excuse me everyone, can I have your attention, please?" The crowd gradually began to quiet, though a few murmurs of onlookers could be heard as they stared at me. I blushed nervously. "There are a few rules before we start partying. "First one, nobody is allowed in the bedroom, I'd prefer my room not to be raided." He smiled jokingly, putting an emphasis on raided. "Next, try not to leave too much of a mess. If any part of my ship is damaged the person responsible will have to pay." He paused, "Alright, that's all, have fun!" He said, outstretching his hand with the microphone. Music began to play, blasting into my ears. He turned off the microphone and set it down. "C'mon, let's get a drink before the bar is flooded with people." Without waiting for a response he walked over to the bar with me. We sat down on a seat next to each other. "So, like the party?" He asked, smirking. I shrugged, "Yeah, it's pretty great." He looked at me sternly in the eyes. "Why do you always play so hard to get?" I looked at him, wide eyed. "Why won't you just kiss me already?" He whispered in my ear. I tensed, feeling the same way whenever I first saw him. "I-I.." I began to stutter. I closed my eyes, pushing away from his embrace. "But..Jimin." I said, about to tear up. "He doesn't love you like I do." He put his hand on my shoulder, drawing closer to my lips. Before I knew what was happening, I pushed into his embrace, kissing him passionately. I stopped, gasping. My first kiss. I thought. Was it really worth it? He looked at me, smirking. "Follow me to my room, I want to show you something." I agreed and opened the door, following him in. "I suggest you take off your clothes for this little surprise." He winked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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