Chapter 3

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Cafeteria boomed with conversations, none that Y/n could make out.  Y/n's ex-bestfriends  giggled as they walked by their table toward the lunch line. The hot lunch today was a burrito with some chips and salsa. The blue tray was cold in my hands. I pick my usual table near the left side of the room. The window's light lite up only half the table.

Patrick Batemen made his way over to the table with a serious expression on his face. He always had a serious expression, Y/n thinks it's just his resting face tho. He sits in the chair beside Y/n and a good friend of Patrick's sits with us. 

"Hi darling, how was you day" Patrick starts the conversion.


"Is something wrong?" Patrick starts to move his hand from Y/n's thigh, his voice thick with worry. Y/n says no quickly, Patrick rested his hand back down as if it were safe again. 

"Hey have any of you heard about the Valentines Day dance. I'm thinking about taking Chester," Patrick's buddy said. Parker and Chester seemed to be inseparable. Oh yeah Valentines Day is coming up. Y/n thought to them self. 

"Well ofc i'm going to take Y/n." Patrick said looking at Parker with a silly face. Patrick plants a kiss on Y/n's lips and walks off with Parker to dump their trays. Yet somewhere in the lunchroom Y/n could feel Eminem's eyes staring at them.

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