DOORKNOB(Full Story)

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The heart of Emma Frols sank in the ocean of sadness after the death of her husband and young daughter in a tragic event that she doesn't know. Emma in sadness retreated to the mountain ranges of glops taking all her memories to a new place. Emma after shifting to a new place thought of throwing away the rubbish in the attic. While cleaning she found something.....
Emma found a trunk full of letters. She was shocked to see the number of letters. She thought of going through them. She discovered that her husband was working for hcia (hokland central intelligence agency). She saw a letter that was written in kazarian language(language her husband spoke) and also a mysterious stamp, there was a village named jokso where an old historian named Gokash Hojko lived who could speak kazarian. Emma knew about him, so she took some food and all the letters in a bag and then started an adventure or mission to solve the mystery of the death of her husband and child. Gokash Hojko an ex-hcia agent, He was the head supervisor of Emma's husband. Old man Gokash was the historian of the agency. After Emma reached the house of the old man she rang the bell. Old man Gokash opened the door and asked: Yes, Who are you
Emma : Hello I live in the mountains, I am here for some information.
Old man : Ok come inside
After going inside Emma See's a certificate of the hcia veteran , she asks : Is that your ?
Old man : Oh yeah old days huh...
Emma after saw a picture of the old man and his team including her husband. She asks : Th.. Th.. That is my husband
Old man in shock says : your alive ? ....
Emma : Yeah I am here to ask you about him today I discovered that he was a hcia agent.
Old man : Ohh ok I'll tell you from begining, Your husband was under me he was a prominent agent of hcia. I met him 12 years ago on a mission. After 3 years he married you
Emma : How do you know he married me ?
Old man : He showed me a picture of you.
Emma : Oh
Old man : Afterwards everything was ok until he failed a mission. The police was ordered to arrest him but he somehow ran away. After some days police somehow caught him and his daughter, I thought they caught you also. After I heard that they handed him over to the country where the mission was going on
and also heard that they tortured and killed him and his daughter.
After hearing this she broke into tears and started to cry but then she stopped and asked the old man to translate the letter for her. Old man red the letter and was seem to be shocked he said : Th.. Th... Th.......
Emma : Please tell me i gotta know please.
Old man : Ok this is your husband telling you that you gave birth to girl and boy. After birth your husband took the boy away and kept him somewhere else. He knew this would happen sometime that's why he kept him somewhere else.
Emma : This is an amazing thing, but did he give any address ?
Old man : Yes it says
St. Jonsland Curch Boarding School, North Golps City
Child name - Christopher Frols
Emma In happiness ran toward the address and finally met her Child, After she Launched a case on hcia . One night she was chased by some policemen and was tried to arrest but she hid behind a wall and was not spotted. After 2 months of fighting she won and was given respect after all. But she knew one day she will be arrested so she left the country and setteled in another country where everything was new but still Emma An her child Christopher lived happily in the country at last. She lost her husband and daughter but still got justice after fighting. She later thanked the old man via a letter.

Genre: Spy, Thriller, Crime, Mystery, Case

Written by - Divyaamshu Talukdar

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