Chapter 443: Backdoor

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Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the Taralam Star Cluster, a spaceship hovered outside the atmosphere of the small planet numbered 51687. This was a deserted planet marked as a resource planet in the database.

"Low oxygen density in the atmosphere, an average temperature of sixty degrees, not suitable for human habitation. A large amount of heat-preferring plants covering a large area of the surface. The soil contains rich nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, suitable for plant growth..."

Han Xiao looked through the planet information, pointed at a tall forest on the map, and said, "There's a secret stronghold of a small group of scavengers here—they're our target of this trip. They have something that I need."

His target of this trip was an item that could trigger a high rating mission, and that item was in the hands of this scavenger group.

"You're planning to break in? How strong are they?" Herlous asked.

"Not strong, just one Grade B. The main issue is that their defensive measures are quite tight, but they have a secret pathway that leads to the underground spaceship garage, which is located here." Han Xiao drew a circle on the map.

"How did you even know this?" Herlous was surprised.

Without speaking, Han Xiao answered by pointing to his eyes. "The plan is simple. I'll kick the door open and crush the enemies—you'll go to the garage and wait for them. Don't let anyone go. Everyone else, standby on the ship."

After quickly finalizing the plan, the spaceship ejected two egg-shaped airdrop cabins. They penetrated the atmosphere like two meteors, falling down to the forest.


The descent was full of turbulence.


The airdrop cabins crashed through a few trees and buried themselves deep in the ground. Soil and wood splattered all over the place and created a mess.

The cabin door opened. Han Xiao walked out, identified their location, and said, "The landing location is about four hundred meters from the enemy's base. There are many automatic machine gun traps ahead. Hmm... there's not much oxygen, so breathing is a little difficult."

The bone-white Void Dragon shrouded his body and filtered the air. Han Xiao inhaled a full mouth of oxygen, and mechanical energy flew into the compressed orbs as they fell onto the floor. With the sound of mechanical parts moving, the compressed orbs expanded into thirty mechanical Black Panther mechanical beasts and surrounded him.


With a snap of his fingers, the mechanical beasts charged forward into the alert area of the enemy's base. Gaps quickly opened up one after another on the ground, exposing ten or so automatic machine guns that started to fire immediately. Blazing red bullets landed on the mechanical beasts' armor, causing fire sparkles and continuous clanks.

This extent of damage was nothing worth mentioning to the enhanced mechanical Black Panther beasts. Thirty mechanical beasts culled the enemies one after another, cutting through muzzles quickly and swiftly with their sharp blade tails. The sound of gunshots disappeared very soon—all the automatic machine guns became scrap metal.

The other benefit of the Hounds Style was that the mechanical beasts could be used to scout ahead.

After Han Xiao learned the advanced artificial intelligence knowledge, he swapped the mechanical beasts' smart chip. Previously, the mechanical beasts could only carry out combat tactics in groups of four, but it had become sixteen, making them much more flexible and swift.

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