Idk what to call this but its angst

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I walk to the forest and I start to hear someone crying. I start walking to where the noise is coming from. I see a silhouette. I realize it's Will. I run up to him and hug him. "Are you okay Will?" I ask a bit worried about him. "N-nico...?" He says a bit dazed. "I-I don't k-know w-o what I'm d-doing anymore, I-I failed t-to heal m-most patients and it's my fault t-they d-died," he says shakily. "Will it's never your fault, the fates decide when people die," I say attempting to comfort him. I sit down next to him and hug him. "B-but it's my f-fault, I'm just not strong e-enough t-to s-save them," I hold him closer. "You are strong enough Will, the fates decided that they lived long enough, but honestly they didn't, but I can't control the fates," I start panicking a little because I'm failing to comfort him. "Wh-whatever..." he frowns. "Sorry I'm so bad at comforting people, it's just something I don't do often," I say sadly. "Here how about we go to my cabin and cuddle?" I say hopefully. "Yeah that would be nice," he smiles. We walk back to my cabin holding hands.

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