Peach, character bio, theme, etc.

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Hi! Its time to write peach. 

Peach is a shapeshifter for lack of better word. In her normal(est) form she is 10' 7 with over 100 foot long wings. She has.. trauma for lack of a better word. She.. is a very motherly creature. She has children. she.. is different from how she used to be. she is crazed now, with a thirst for blood and murder. DONT LET HER HAVE KNIVES. she uh. ate her child. uhm wheres the mental hospital uh. she likes to eat maggots and dead bodies, and dead people, and uh she has spiky hair

she is amzing also her wings have a lot of feathers on them. She has multiple scars, from sexual assault and self harm and suicide attempts- She loves cake. NO FROSTING EW. she also.. loves peach rings... cannibalism??? also she ate the rest of her species?? anyways

Her theme song, main one is Dixie Boy

Her and Hex's Main song is maggot belly


mmmm sugar AND BLOOD

Also. Heres some important events in her life that most peopless dont know??

She killed her biological child that she was forced to have.

she turns rabid(?) not really but- she turns frantic ig at the sight of: people crying, blood, ...little children- owls, rabbits.

She also has a murder buddy- nm. yes his name is literally, nm his parents hate him ig idfk. ill write his bio after this and yeah uh. Peach calls him fuckin uh. uh.... lmao uh AHDHDHASDASDH 

she calls him bitch boy- ASDHASJD

but- she has, some sort of control now- just dont let her near dead stuff... or knives..

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