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The next morning Y/n woke up and soon realised she was in Taehyung's arms by finding herself engulfed in his scent. Seeing a pillow near her which seemed to have scratched open she thought they must have been passionate and rough last night. Grabbing it she slowly lifted Taehyung's arm which he had wrapped around her. She swiftly placed the pillow under his arm and rolled out of bed. That should keep him from waking up, she thought.

She noticed the two empty packets of condom near the foot of her bed stand. She ignored it and headed to the bathroom. All fresh and clean she came out tying the bathrobe. Suddenly she heard a few gentle knocks on the door and hurriedly made her way to open it so it doesn't disturb Taehyung. Opening it a little she saw it was the older lady. She smiled gently at her and asked.

The older lady looked down so Y/n followed her gaze and looked down to see three familiar suitcases.
"I was told all your luggage was to come today, and it did so here it is. I hope I didn't disturb" she said as she covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Not at all, I was awake. As you can see, I have freshened up" Y/n replied giving a small smile before she bowed a little and closed the door.

She took the suitcases inside the walk-in closet and pulled out the clothes she needed. Changing into them, she stepped out to see Taehyung was awake, but he laid on the bed lazily. His eyes was still closed so he didn't notice her.
She grabbed her phone from the charger and went out the room.
Everyone in the kitchen looked busy. She flashed them a big warm smile.
"Good afternoon" she said and two of them replied to her immediately while the twins just bowed in response.

"Would you like to eat right now or wait for Young Master?"
The older lady asked her and Y/n found it quite funny, the way they called Taehyung young master.
"I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the house. I wanted to look around a little before eating" she replied and they all washed their hands, wiped and quickly lined up.
"Sure My Lady! Please this way"

She showed her around the house, starting from the living room. Going down the stairs of the living room. Then there is door which leads to other rooms under this floor. There's a washing space on one side and on the opposite side, is Taehyung's personal room. They said nobody is allowed in there and he cleans it himself.
"I sometimes wonder what is in there for him to be like this" one of the twins said and Y/n looked back at the door.
She stared at the door, as if knowing what lies beyond them but soon turned away. The maids then led her to show a separate corridor where there was another room which was Taehyung's office. His secretary and assistant are the only people allowed in there.

While touring they introduced themselves. The older lady was the Head Maid of the apartment. They all used to work in the Kim Mansion but then Taehyung shifted here in his early years of college. So they were sent here to look after him. The second oldest is the tall girl. Her name was Min Ji-a. She is in 1st year of college right now. And the twins, have been working here since they were little. They were born in the Kim Mansion and the family did some huge favour for their mother. So they sworn their loyalty to them for the rest of the generations to come.

"Pardon me My Lady, but we would like to know more about you. All we know about you is your name and nothing else" The head maid said as they all walked back to the kitchen.

"Sure, I don't mind. Since you know my name already, I will get into other details. I'm a college student. 2 years younger than Taehyung se...." She stopped rather abruptly as if she was going to say which shouldn't be spoken of.

The maids stared at her curiously so she just gave them a smile.
"2 years younger than Taehyung. I'm studying Literature in SNU"
"Ohhh" They let out in awe, their eyes sparkling when she took the name of SNU.
"Did you know Young Master before you married him?" Ji-a asked and Y/n felt the intensity of their gaze.
"Yes, like a blind date or something?"
"No, not at all" Y/n replied having her graceful smile still. They sighed in disappointment.

"That's strange. When Master and Mistress brought up the subject of his marriage, Young Master started looking for someone. When he married you, we assumed you were the person he was looking for. He seemed so in love" She said and the corners of Y/n's lips twitched, but her composure was still there.

"Must be someone else then. I did not even know who I was marrying in the first place" Y/n replied shrugging.
"Excuse me what?"
"You weren't told who you were marrying?" They said, utterly baffled and she nodded.
"Our parents are good friends you see. So that's how the marriage came about. However I wasn't told anything about who my husband-to-be is. My parents just said, 'Trust us, we have found a really good guy for you'. They said they wanted to surprise me so I trusted them" Y/n sat on the seat in front of the kitchen counter.

"Though I had my doubts, what if it turned out to be a creepy old man in his 50s?" She said and the maids burst into fits of laughter. Y/n smiled enjoying their reaction.

"My Lady! How can you think that way about your own family?" The head maid said chuckling still.
"Try putting yourself in my place, I bet you would have thought of that too!" She said and they laughed some more before calming down.
"You must be so glad to see our Young Master then!" Ji-a let out and Y/n nodded.
"You can say that" she replied looking at them.
"You really didn't know each other before you two got married?" Ji-a said and Y/n shook her head.
"Yes. We did not know each other" she replied and the twins whispered amongst themselves.

"Well anyway. Putting this topic aside, would you like me to serve you brunch right now or would you still wait for Young Master?" The head maid asked smiling warmly.
"I will eat right now. He will be in a hurry to go to the office when he comes down, so no use waiting. I'm very hungry anyway" Y/n replied checking time on her watch. Meanwhile the expressions of the maids changed.

"Office? Today? He will go?" Ji-a asked me and Y/n nodded drinking some water the head maid placed before her.
"Why wouldn't he?" She replied as she picked up chopsticks while the Head Maid served her food.
The maids exchanged glances before shrugging it off.
It seems like they knew we wouldn't be up in the morning that's why they prepared brunch, Y/n thought as she chewed.

She was sipping some tea by the time Taehyung came down.
"Good afternoon" he chimed and everyone greeted him. Even the twins got super active and replied to him with a wide smile.
"Good afternoon Y/n" Taehyung said buttoning up his cuffs.
"Afternoon" Y/n replied giving a small smile and he chuckled.
"You are very quiet indeed" He said but she did not say anything.
"Nothing has changed about you, has it..." Taehyung mumbled while the head maid served him.

All eyes were on Y/n now. However she just sipped her tea. Maybe she didn't hear what Taehyung said. Or maybe she was pretending she didn't hear anything.

"How is Seyeong?" Taehyung asked smiling that innocent smile of his. Y/n smiled back and replied.
"She is well, she's got a boyfriend" she seemed nonchalant, almost as if she disliked the question but she switched out her expression with a small smile.

"Aww, is that so? Makes me sad for some reason..." He let out smiling still. Y/n put down her cup and it clattered against the saucer.

"You haven't changed one bit" she said, her expression seems to be failing her but Taehyung's smile never left his face.
"I can say the same for you"

Even though they were smiling, the maids felt the air was heavy as the couple seemed to respond in a backhanded way.

"How is Sera?" Y/n let out, one side of her mouth tugged up in a smirk which disappeared the next second, replaced by her graceful smile.
Taehyung stopped briefly. The head maid gasped quietly while the twins whispered.

"She must be well. I don't know of her whereabouts" he replied smiling, continuing to eat.
"Oh really? I wonder why is that? You should try to maintain a friendship with her at least" she said turning to him. He did not say anything but just kept eating. He has always been a man of patience.

After he was done, everyone went to see him off. They stood in front of his private elevator. He turned to Y/n, came closer and pressed his lip against hers. She put her hand on his jaw and kissed him back before he pulled away and smiled.
"Don't miss me much. I will be back before you know it" He said but Y/n just smiled.

"I m sorry if I'm being too intrusive My Lady....but I thought you said you two didn't know each other" The Head Maid said and Y/n nodded.

"I never said we haven't met before"
"I just said we didn't knew each other. You see meeting and knowing the person are two different things" she  replied emphasizing the last sentence before turning to the staircase leading to her bedroom.

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