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Dekus POV:

My eyes slowly opened,as I saw I'm not in the school bathroom anymore with Kacchan and Aizawa. I was now in a place with white sheets on the uncomfortable bed i was now laying in with blue curtains around the room,a bag hooked into my wrist. I added it all up and soon realised I was now in a hospital room. My lips were dry,arms were sore, and my head was killing,It felt as if I've been thrown through hell and back twenty times

I tried getting out of the bed I was in to try and find Katcchan, but I could hardly move my own weight like as if two boulders were dragging me down to the bed

A nurse came in soon after I woke up, and her eyes widened and smiled at me with a soft smile

"W-wh-wheres Kacchan?"I asked with a confused and concerned face since I knew he was really panicking while I was in the bathroom and wanted to know if he was okay

She looked at me confused since she didn't know katcchan was a nickname for Katsuki

"All your friends and family are in the waiting room, don't worry about them, sweetheart."

she gave me a cup of water since I was highly dehydrated, as I could tell myself due to how dry my lips were

"I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm just going to tell the doctors that you've woken up, " she said, leaving with a smile

I was extremely scared and worried

What would my mum say?

Is she here?

What would she say?

Is katcchan okay?

Why did he help me?

Why was he crying he doesn't even like me,he hates me, and you would think he would love to see the person he hates dying, wouldn't you?

Questions filled my head top to bottom. I really was confused

A doctor now came into the room with the nurse from earlier behind him

"Hey bud,how you feeling?" He says, standing next to the bed I was in while the nurse standed at the door with a pen and clipboard filling stuff in

I shrug and say my head, arms, and legs hurt a lot

He nodded and gave me some painkillers and told he to take them with another cup of water he now gave me

I put the pill in my mouth and took a sip of the water, and swallowed it down

"You can see your mom and friends in a bit if you feel up to it, okay, buddy?"

I nodded my head slightly. My mum actually came to the hospital,she was going to kill me

To be continued..

Sryy, for the last few chapters being so short, I had school and shit going off recently

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now