Black Corvette: 6

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Author Note: Thank you for reminding me to update if you ever want an update just message me and I will work on it. I always forget and I'm sorry. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Cyrus POV:
I walk out of the school and head over to my truck when I see Jade get in to a sweet old corvette. This makes me like her even more.

I feel like such a stalker man constantly running in to her. I don't care though it's nice to see her all the time.

"So, Gum face what do you do with your free time " I say to her laugh so it didn't seem like a cheesy pick up line.

" Work " she said shortly opening the trunk and throwing her book bag in it.

" Everything alright Jade? " says the small girl I met earlier today, Ash.

" Yeah it's fine " Jade says breathing out.

" Hey sexy " I hear a familiar voice yelling from behind me.

I turn around to see Tyler as he starts running up to Ash and picks her up. She starts squealing and laughing.

" Stop Tyler " she giggles.

" Do I get a kiss? " He asks eagerly.

He sets her down and she stands on her tip toes as much as she can and he bends down to meet her lips. There has to be a foot and half difference in there height I just laugh and look at Jade who is fake gagging.

" Come on guys break it up " she says after seconds of heated kissing.

Ash turns around and sticks her tongue out at her.

" Oh hey Cyrus was up my man " he says dapping my hand and then going In for a half hug thing.

" Was up T dog" I say laughing at him.

" How do you two know each other " Jade asks pointing at us.

" Oh me and this white boy go way back to uh gym class 2nd block " he says smiling.

Jade rolls her eyes like always.

Tyler moves back over to Ash and puts his arm around her.

" So y'all wanna go to the mall or something? " Tyler asks us.

I just look around because I don't know if he's including me or not.

" I'm asking you bud " he says to me.

" Oh, yeah sure " I say nodding my head.

" Come on Jade let's go to the mall " Ash asks.

" No " she says shortly.

" Please " Ash asks pouting.

" Fine but let's wait for Brita " Jade says when suddenly she pops out of no were.

" Wait for Brita to do what? " She she asks us.

" Were going to the mall wanna come? " Ash asks Brita.

" Can't I'm hanging with Jackson after school " she says smirking.

" Ugh what ever " Jade says crossing her arms.

" Looks like it's just us then, come on follow my car to the mall sense you probably don't know were it is mines the bright red mustang" Tyler says looking at me and removing his arm from around Ash.

" Alright man " I say hopping in to my car.

I buckle in and get my radio set as I back out of my spot. I spot Tyler's car as soon as I put my car in drive. He reeves his engine a little before taking off threw the parking lot.

I follow behind him and Ash and Jade drives behind me all in a line to the mall.

We get on to a main road as Jade moves from behind me in to the lane next to mine driving beside me.

" You drive to slow " she says after she roles down her window.

" Oh is that so? " I say smoothly.

She just nods and takes off. Wow that was super hot. This should be fun. * smirk smirk smirk *

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