Chapter 10

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            About a combined thirty minutes away from Steven's house and the orphanage was a small ice cream/candy store called Candy's, respectively. As soon as the two children entered with him and Jackie, they looked toward the front counter with sneeze guards fixed over the large bins of ice cream and gelato, as well as any toppings just on top of them. Chase seemed over-excited, feeling jittery as his colorless eyes scanned all the flavors and toppings the store had to offer. Upon reaching the register, the young female clerk greeted them and they each ordered what they wanted.

"Two medium cups of mint chocolate chip," Steven said, looking down at the twins. "What would you like, twins?"

"Hm..." Julie said, stroking her chin gently as she tried to decide among the diverse flavors of ice cream and gelato. "I would like...bubble gum with colorful sprinkles."

"Alright," Steven smiled, preparing to open his wallet as he noticed Chase's mittens up against the glass of the sneeze guard. "What about you, Chase?"

"Cookie," he sighed, almost in an entranced daze.

"Cookie?" the doctor asked. Jackie took the liberty of glancing at the title the boy had his eyes on and she simply giggled, but before she could respond, Julie did.

"I think he means cookie dough," his sister said.

"Dough?" the boy asked, looking confused up at the two adults and his sister.

"Oh, cool! Look, Chase!" Julie interrupted, pointing at the flavor next to it. "Oreo cookie!"

"Oreos!" Chase exclaimed.

"Would you like Oreo, Chase?" Jackie asked.

"Yeah, Miss Jackie. I want Oreo," the boy said. Steven smiled.

"Oreo it is," the man said, shuffling a few bills from his wallet. "How much do I owe you, miss?"

"Twenty even, sir," she said, collecting the bill from Steven and putting it in the drawer. "Please take a seat and I will deliver your ice cream to your table."

            This isn't a restaurant, Steven thought, how unusual. The three followed Chase to a table that was right next to a painted Tom & Jerry mural on the wall. Julie took a seat next to him on one side, and the two adults were on the other. The little girl took the time to fully absorb the fact that Steven was not dressed in his lab coat and medical attire—he was dressed rather casually, taking into account the warm May weather with a lightweight jacket over what looked like a white tank top and clean, smooth linen slacks. Then, she took note of the small talk between him and Jackie—being so young and yet so wise, she could easily sense the chemistry between them.

"Thanks for taking us out," she told the man. "We appreciate it."

"Anything for you," Steve replied, looking at Jackie's bright blue eyes as they exchanged smiles and mesmerized gazes.

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