Missy chapter 2

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Hello I'm Missy, I hope you have read the "chapter" of this book. Now that we are in the second chapter I need to tell you something. I'm famous! And you be like 'ye you are!' But only on this app. No, I'm thinking of making a YouTube channel... it would be very cool if I was FAMOUS the little flikkering lights would be on me! Wel Big Izzy thinks that's a GREAT idea. But not for me, for HER also of your asking yourself why I'm doing so many capital letters, I figured out how to do that with some of my big brother Teddy's help. And I'm proud of that. Of course there are things we are going to be doing these 3 days, but please listen first. I am planning to be famous!
Ok, it took me 1 hool day to make an idea of how it would look like. But that bit is the hardest. Now I ONLY have to find an app where even kittens can be on YouTube, so actually that pretty hard to. After thinking about it I thought about that new tv show called Kitten & Dog The Place For Talented Pets To Show Of. I'm not totally sure if that's for owners aswel though because actually we may get famous together. I asked Big Izzy if I would be aloud to go there, of course she was aloud to come to. She looked it up and saw that owners or smaller owners where aloud to come to. That means Izzy could come to! The show is tomorrow so they signed up and ill see you then!
Ok! The show is today, as we where getting ready I got into the cat carrier I think that's a transport machine, and we where there after a quick nap. So we were back stage, and then we were called on. I did lots of tricks on command and after that i even told Big Izzy to say to download Watt Pad, so they could read my diary but also enjoy other good books about things like a father that's not a father. Or things with beanies but I don't really know. After that I showed a bit of typing, I wrote this: hi I'm Missy and I'm a typing cat, but they said they wanted normal cats see next chapter! Bye bye

MissyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora