Chapter Five

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I woke up and remembered that there was a game this morning that Kyle had invited me to

Kyle played on the same team as Stan which probably meant that Wendy was gonna be there and it was gonna be akward as hell so I decided to send Stan a text message

"I'm real concerned about everything Stan. I really liked you and thought you were a really cool person but now your just ignoring me, if your gonna end this just tell me why?" I sent to him as she responded a few minutes after

"I don't wanna end anything towards you, if I'm being honest I've been feeling stuff that I haven't felt in a long long long time and it's made me sick to my stomach. I love my girlfriend and I don't want to mess up or relationship so that s why I've been avoiding you, I'm sorry."

I didn't know how to feel and I didn't know how he had those feelings for me after we just meant. I didn't want to ruin his relationship and I'm not sure how I feel about this, about everything.

"I understand, I don't want you to break up either." I responded truthfully

"Sorry." He responded as I just left him on opened

It was almost time for the game and I got ready quickly, I curled my hair then threw on some makeup and some green white and black clothes.

I texted Kyle to meet me at the food Stan and jumped in my dads car as he started it and drove off the the football stadium.

"Off to see a friends? Your life here must be going pretty good." He said smiling a little bit

Honestly it wasn't really going good, I've been feeling down lately and there's just so much drama. Sometimes I do wish I was just back at rehab or even with my mom, I would have never wished that.

"Yeah it's pretty good." I said with my head against the window watching the water drip down

My dad dropped me off and I ran to the spot I told Kyle to meet me and he was already there

"Are you okay? You look kinda tired.." he said moving closer to me

I looked at him confused before looking down

"I'm fine I just need to talk to you about something."


"It's about Stan, he told me he likes me and he hasn't felt the same with anyone else in years and that I've made his life so different and he has a girlfriend and- he loves her and I don't wanna ruin that, I don't even know him enough to feel the same way." I blurted out in a rush

"I understand and I'm always here for you, everytime saw his girlfriend when he was younger he puked. He used to puke all over her and now he pukes all over you and I'm sure he's just confused about it, he's confused about a-lot of things." Kyle said grasping my shoulder

"I don't understand?" I questioned as he opened his mouth once again to explain

"KYLEE WE NEED YOU!" His coach yelled loudly, just perfect timing.

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