Just like your father.

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they ask about you
you know,
the others.

it's all questions and gasps and palm fulls of sympathy
for your wrong doings
do you understand that?

why do i have to explain your mistakes?
why then do i swallow my sadness
replacing it with thoughts like venom
on your behalf?

i loved you
i did
but they hated you
and so then did i

partially blinded by love, i'm diseased by memories of you.
and i hate it that you're not here
i fucking miss you
and you're not here

because no matter what they say
and no matter my reply
i know deep down
i'm you
and you're me

how can i understand myself if not understanding you?
we are almost one
yet we are two

i miss you. but sincerely, dad, fuck you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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