Chapter 1

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I had to kayak in the gym and let's say I should stick with never doing it again and sticking with hockey. Also, I lied this is a Brinney, Rinney, and Brance story.

(Bruce's POV)

Finn and I met last year in school and have bonded over time. We're meeting up today to hang out and he seems to have something important to say to me. At least that's what his text said.

"What to wear" I started rummaging through my closet as normal. I picked out some nice jeans with a green and white striped shirt with a gray zip-up hoodie since it's a bit chilly.

"Mom, I'm heading out!" I yelled out to her.

"To where with who?" She asked as she poked her head out of the kitchen.

"To Vincent park with Finn," I said back she just nodded and sent me along my way.

"Weird. My mom never asks me that." I just grabbed my bike and peddled my way.

(5-minute time skip)

I arrived like five minutes too early. Finn came running towards the bench I was sitting on.

"Sorry, did I leave you waiting!" Finn exclaimed as he stopped at the bench breathing heavily.

"You're fine, I only got here like three minutes ago," I said taking out the earbud I had in.

"Alright." He said as he sat down next to me. He looked tired but that might have been from the running.

"Wanna listen to music?" I say holding an earbud out to him. He takes it and puts it in his ear and I play my favorite song.

"So Finn, you said you had something important to tell me?" I whisper in his direction.

"I mean yeah I guess it's somewhat important." He mumbled as he turned his head.

"Alright so go ahead and tell me I'll listen." I turned towards him, taking out my earbud in the process. He looked like he was for sure gonna stumble on his words but at least get them out.

"Bruce, I hope this doesn't change how you see me. I kinda have a crush on you." He blurts out.

"Finn, nothing could change how I see you," I said to him, "I also have a crush on you." I blush slightly after I said that because it was true. Finn is a beautiful person with a lovely smile and a great personality.

"Really?" He said. I just nodded and smiled.

"Ok wait what would that make us?" He asked, looking up at the sky.

"Dating?" I mumble in his direction.

"Dating," Finn says confidently to me.

(Finn's POV)

I'm so shocked Bruce Yamada aka the town's 'golden boy' actually has a crush on me and is now with me. Bruce is way out of my league. His beautiful middle part matches his nice dark brown almond-shaped eyes, his smile compliments his nice tan skin tone he's overall just perfect.

"So what now?" He asked me. I look at him and shrug.

"Grab N Go?" I ask. He nods and we start walking. I really should've brought my bike. I feel bad he has to walk his.

"It's on me," I say.

(10-minute time skip)

We walk in and are immediately greeted by the worker. We turn to go down the drink aisle when we see Vance Hopper and Robin Arellano, the two toughest kids in school at the pinball machine as usual.

"What drink do you want?" I turn my head towards Bruce.

"Cherry Pepsi please." He says. I utterly cringe.

"You're a Pepsi dude, ew Coke is so much better!" I exclaim at him as we walk down the aisle.

"No Pepsi is so much better. But we can keep our opinions to ourselves." He said with a hint of attitude. I nodded.

We decided what to get and head out.

"What next?" I turn towards him awaiting my answer.

"How about getting back to mine?" He looks at me with a questioning look.

"Sure, let me call my father." I turn away and scroll through my contacts on my phone and click the one named 'father'. It rings one two three four.

"Hello, Finney what did I say about you calling me at this time." He speaks into the phone and I can tell by his tone he's been drinking.

"Not to I'm sorry I forgot I just have a question." I hear him sigh.

"Ask away." He sounds annoyed.

"Can I go to a friend?" I breathe deep breaths because I'm scared.

"Sure just be home before ten tonight ok." I hear him say.

"Alright bye," I say.

"Bye." He says and hangs up the phone.

"Sooooo?" Bruce turns to me.

"I can go, I just gotta be home before ten," I whisper.

"Alright." He says.

We begin walking to Bruce's hoping we'll watch a good movie together.
I'm so tired and done with school. It turns out I have the pacers tomorrow so I might cry because my asthma is not ready but it turns out I need five more than what I got on the first pacers which are quite literally five because I missed the first pacers for my sprained knee.

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