The Oval Office

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(Y/N) was sitting in the Oval Office awaiting their instructions from the president.

"(Y/N), I called you here to solve a very important issue for me..."

"Madam President, I am honored to be chosen for this tedious task, but I do not have a refine record to complete presidential labor. So, If I may... I ask if you could chose an applicant much more responsible than I." (Y/N) said while slowly looking down in disappointment.

"*Tch* (Y/N), I made the decision to ask you for the task, now if you please stop degrading yourself in front of me that'll be great" Hillary said agitated. "Now, can I continue?"

"Sorry, Madame President" (Y/N) looked down in embarrassment as red hue tinted their cheeks.

"Now, please stop calling me 'Madame President', it's too formal and makes me uncomfortable".

(Y/N) simply nods while looking down, embarrassed by the lecture Hillary is giving.

"Good, now will you stop looking like a lost puppy and come assist me?" Hillary demanded.

(Y/N) walked over to her desk accidentally brushing their hand against hers. She quickly took her hand back and looked away.

"P-please b-bring a chair, you'll need it" the president stuttered out. Unbeknownst to (y/n) their slight interaction made the perceivably strong woman nervous, causing her to blush.

"Hillary... are you ok? You seem jumpy." (Y/N) said while putting a hand on Hillary's shoulder. "Do I make you uncomfortable? Should I move away from you?"

"No! *ehem* I mean no, you're fine. It's just... never mind. Can I just explain why I called you in here?!"She voiced, blushing, snapping her head to face (Y/N); In which, made (y/n) jolted at the sudden action. "(Y/N), I need you to sacrifice the rest of the day to assist me with the upcoming election. Can you do that for me?" Hillary said looking into (y/n)'s eyes.

"Yes it's fine" (Y/N) smiled kindly. They knew Hillary didn't give them no other choice, so they obliged.

"Good, now you know that my assistant, Nicolas, is on vacation to help his wife. So..." Hillary looked away and blushed, "I thought the most applicable person to help run a country would be you".

"Oh, I am flattered, but-" (Y/N) suddenly was cut off.

"(Y/N) darling..." She got up and leaned on her desk to look at her temporary assistant, "What did I tell you? Hmm? I don't care what you think of yourself, just don't say it around me. Never question my judgment okay. I am the damn president of the United States. I have the ability to summon anyone I believe fit to assist me. Hell, I would have asked the receptionist...but I asked you. I simply didn't ask Nicolas to recommend a good temporary replacement; I chose you...I chose you because..." the president's confidant stance turns into a nervous fidget. She begins to blush while picking at her lip and mumbles, "I-I... enjoy your c-company. No one ever listens to me while I talk about nonsense, but look at me as if I'm the only one that matters to you..." Hillary slowly looks at (Y/N) while a strawberry colored glazed over her cheeks, "You make me feel human again. I was always looked at as the President of the United States, but you... you looked at me as if I was someone more. A friend? A...a-uh... um... a lover?" Her confidence quickly leaving as she crosses her arms for comfort. "What I am trying to say here is um... I enjoy your company and I wish to have you around more and uh- see where time will take us" the president says while looking back into (Y/N)'s eyes, only to find a deadpanned staring right back at her.

"Look, Hillary, I know you don't have many people you get to talk to; you're a busy woman ya- know. So, to explain that I am doing what a friend does is very... uh- you know what? Thanks... you are a great friend too. Now can we continue with the election preparations, I have a date tonight? I didn't know if I should cancel or what since it is last minute. It is our 4th anniversary soo..." (Y/N) said in a slightly oblivious tone.

A single tear fell down her cheek.

Hillary was shocked, bewildered, perplexed, hurt even, but no one would be able to tell as she masked away her feelings.

"Oh Uh- I'm sorry, let's just do this tomorrow. I'll let you celebrate. How foolish of me..." Hillary said, suddenly having an interest in her shoes.

"Uh- alright, if you want I can get Bill to come and help you... only if you want him to come" (Y/N) still oblivious to the president's current feelings.

"Yeah...that's fine I guess. You can leave now" Hillary's voice was barely audible, but loud enough to send the oblivious assistant away.

"Ight... bye then! Oh, I'll bring you some tiramisu since I always think about you when I pass it hehe-" (Y/N) cheered and skipped out of the office.

"Stupid. Such a dumb, dumb idiot. I can't believe I fell for you and your kind words. Do you know the hold you have on me? Do you understand I can't rely on Bill to make me happy? I am getting older by the minute and yet you make me feel like a high school girl with a crush. I hate the way I get nervous around you. I hate the way you're so clueless of my advances. I-I hate the way you only listen, but never talk about yourself. I call us friends but do you feel the same? God....I am so stupid. Falling in love with you feels as if I feel in a well and you throw a frayed rope down to pull me up. As I get closer, the weight makes it snap and I am back at the start. Will you ever see me the way I see you..... or will it be too late? Oh (Y/N), you make my heart ache." Hillary let out every emotion, every tear, and every word weighing down her heart quietly, to herself.

Little does she know a lover of hers heard the whole thing...

A/N: Hey y'all, thanks for reading. I know, I know Hillary was hit with a triple homicide. Who cares... I don't cuz it's for the plot I guess. Anyways catch ya later if I ever write again :/

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