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Once upon a time there was a tomboy princess who wants to be a knight but the knight said that girls can't be a knight because they can get injured badly but the princess won't give up on trying be a knight. So she works hard so she can  be a princess knight so she tried harder so she asked her stepfather who's a knight so she can be a knight with her stepfather. Her other father didn't want her becoming a knight because his husband lost an arm from a war with other kingdom. He was very overprotective of her but her stepfather was proud that she wants to a princess knight so she can protect her fathers. So she made a knight name of Midnight but her real name is Sunflower. She loved her fathers so she wanted to protect them. She also has an older brother named Yuki. So they were so close because they are friends and siblings. They always plays knight so they both wants to protect their father with a missing arm. They didn't care about losing one of theirs arms. They didn't using one of their arm to a war would other kingdom. They went to school and Sunflower dressed as a guy so she can get in to the knight school because her stepfather told her too dressed as a boy. So she said, "I know I can be a knight even so I'm a girl." Her brother said., "I know you can be a knight because I'm here with you." She was happy that her brother was with her. She wanted to save guys who are burned by stake for being homosexual so she made a vow that when she become queen she will stop the burning of homosexual by making own church and her own army of homosexual and girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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