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Summary--The day after you turned / transitioned from human to vampire, Walt takes extra care and watches over you and helps you get comfortable as a new vampire.

(A/N: This is a really random story I wrote in the middle of the night because that is just what I do sometimes and I really enjoy that. I apologize if some parts in this don't make sense, I tried. Please be nice. I also apologize if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes in this.

Warnings: None- just a lot of the use of the words, 'Darling' and 'My love' )


The day after I turned was a lot calmer than the day before, even when the turning happened. Less chaotic than the day before too. I was laying on my back in the enormously comfortable bed in my room Walt had allowed me to stay in upon my arrival a few weeks ago.

A small knock was heard on the door. Not knowing who it could be, I allowed for the person to come in anyway,

"Come in!" I called out loud as the door squeaked open, then closed quietly a few seconds later.

"Ah Y/n, you're awake." Said Walt as he quickly glided into my room, smiling brightly as soon as his eyes met mine.

I smiled back at him as I shifted my position from laying on my back to resting gently on my elbows.

"Hi, Walt bae." I spoke softly while a giggle escaped my lips.

Walt made his way over to the bed, and sat on the edge of the bed next to me, "How are you feeling, my love?" Asked Walt, he gently rubbed my knee atop of the silk toned blankets that covered the bed.

"Much better today. However, the taste of blood still tastes bitter on my tongue." I replied, giggling again as did Walt too.

"I'm so glad to hear that. And don't worry about the blood, okay? You'll get used to it as it does take a little to adjust to it, darling." Walt smiled softly, looking into my eyes as he showed me that I truly was okay and that I was in good hands with him.

Our eyes locked onto one another for a few long seconds that caused my heart rate to increase as my breathing began to hitch for a moment.

I then nodded my head as I blushed a little after hearing his reassuring words and started to feel it by his presence in the room.

"Thank you for being so kind to me, Walt. It really helps soothe the new vampire nerves and is making the experience so much smoother than I had imagined." I spoke softly as I reached out and held his hand in mine.

With that gesture, Walt smiled and nodded as well, while rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb.

"Of course my love. But no need to thank me. I'm quite sure you would have done a marvelous job turning on your own." Said Walt, sending a wink my way which caused me to blush once more.

"You truly know just what to say to make a girl tickled pink." I said, beaming with delight.

Walt chuckled softly as he nodded his head after hearing my response. "I guess you can say I'm a bit of an expert in that field."

Him and I both giggled in unison for a couple seconds more. "I think we should get on with the day now, don't you think, my love?" Questioned Walt as he then gently patted my knee while hopping off the bed, standing a few feet away from me.

I nodded in agreement as I sat up in bed, smiling up at Walt for the billionth time. "That sounds perfect. Just please let me get dressed, I can't take on the day as a new vampire in my comfy cozy pajamas."

"Take your time. I will be in my study room. The door is always open for you there." Said Walt before quickly booping my nose with his finger.

I scrunch my nose as the heat began to rise on my face while giggling a bit louder as I wasn't expecting Walt to do something cute like that.

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