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Kagami was sick and tired of his blue haired companion almost putting him in an early grave whenever he made a sudden appearance. Despite how close the pair had gotten, and haw much more aware Kagami was of his team mate,  he was never safe. So, he came up with a plan to keep tabs on the culprate.
A bell.

The idea had stuck him wduring a recent outing. the team had just come out of n intense match and were all hoping to catch a bite to eat before retiring for the day. Whilst the rest of his team could hardly stay on their feet, Kagami Taiga was suffering an aditional burden. He was starving.

Having subconciously chosen to stick with kuroko, and consequently ended up at the bacl of the pack, he had allowed himself to fall into a trance lie state of mind. He couldn't quite explain it, but as his captain pushed open the door and announced their arival, a feeling of familiarity and a strange type of nostalga washed over kagami. It broke him out of his trance, his energy replentished and his hunger doubled. HE was in through the door an instant later, bellowing for food.

It made him think, this strange sensation of assosiation. the bell was something Kagami had connected to this restaurant, and, more importantly, food. After ordering and claiming his spot beside Kuroko at the table, the concept re-claimed his attention. Eventually, as his thoughts began to wander again, he caught himself wishing there was a sound he could assosiate with the small boy seated quietly beside him. A bell that would alert him of kuroko the same way the bell on the door alerted the restaurant stalf of customers.

He stashed that thought away to act upon in the future, his attention now focused completely on the meal being laid out before him. The rest of tht evening was a blur, eah of them eating their fill and retiring one after another.

It had been a few days now since the idea had taken root, and now Kagami was threading a small bell through a chain he'd bought at the market. The market where he had, once again, almost lost his life to kurokos un-announced arrival.

It was a monday morning and he was already shaping up to be late for school. having finished with the chain, he ticked it into his bag and took off, grabbing an apple on the way past. despite sharing most of his classes with Kuroko, kagami decided to wait until training that afternoon to approach him. It was stupid really. all he was doing was reducing his risk of dying of heart failure, yet the idea of giving the chainto Kuroko made him more nervous than he cared to admit.

He smiled to himself as he left the school building and headed for the gym.

"Disgusting," He chuckled. "I'm turning into a love sick teenager."

Almost three hours later, Kagami closed his locker, sweaty and ehausted. Kuroko beside him looked as unfazed as usual, although Kagami ignored it. All around them their team were filing out of the room, muttering their goodbyes and styfeling yawns. Kuroko waited as he always did as kagami finished getting packed up. It was a simple gesture, but the red head appreciated it more than he let on.

"Oi." he said as Kuroko turned to leave, assuming he'd follow. The smaller said nothing but turned in aknowledgement.

"I figgured out the cure to my imminent death." Despite his tone boing playful, Kagami noticed the slight shift in the bluenettes facial features that showed his concern. he quickly righted the problem.

"I'm kidding. I mean I found a way to stop you skaring me shitless all the time." kuroko's expression returned to its usual blank stare, the worry ebbing away as kagami wandered over. He dropped his bag down onto the bench and began to rummage through it. Kuroko was not growing curious. Kagami found what he was looking for and stood with a grin.

"Here it is. It's so i can hear you sneaking up on me." he grinned, handing the small chain over to the boy. Kuroko stared at it for a seocnd, leaving kagami to grow anxious over his response. eventually, he looked up.

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