If I make you smile will you be mine ?

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Ciel clensed his fist " Sebastian come now ! I am serious ! " he shouted
The older male opened the door rolling his eyes " I am busy you know , if you saw that cat porn then I am s- "
Ciel looked at him " Wtf Sebastian ?! Are you watching cat porn ?!? " Sebastian blushed " Ofcorse not ! That's ehm.. Disgusting ! "
Ciel rolled his eyes
" Whatever just come here ! "
The male nodded walking to his boyfriend and hugged him from behind as the boy say down on the chair and was on his pc " What's so im- " he stopped when he saw what the Trancy boy posted " Ciel , why is Alois Trancy that kid I met today writting such stuff ? "
" I don't know ! Wait .. You met him ? "
Sebastian nodded " Well yes today "
Ciel looked at the picture of Alois and him " He told he he needed to do something really inportant "
Sebastian looked at him " Quite odd , we talked today and he did seem quite nice and not busy at all " he smiled " Maybe he is joking about all this , you never know with people "

" What ?! Joking , I do not take this as a joke ! "
Sebastian sighned " Maybe you should talk to him or something , or I can do . I do really need to go back to my book Ciel so I need to go now " he kissed the boy's head and left silently

Left alone , again

" Does he even seem to care , all he cares about is reading .. " he clensed his fist angrily
" Whoever the fuck you are Trancy , I shall not let you toy with me "

He begun to message the blonde

Ciel Phantomhive : Hello there Alois
Alois bootylicious Trancy : Well hello there my dear Ciel ~ How are you ? "
Ciel Phantomhive : Don't how are you me ! You know why I want to talk to you !
Alois bootylicious Trancy : Oh so you finelly want to confess your love for me ? ( ˘ ³˘)
Ciel Phantomhive : No !
Alois bootylicious Trancy : I know you want to ~ ( ˘ ³˘)
Ciel Phantomhive : No , and stop with that stupid face !
Alois bootylicious Trancy : ( ˘ ³˘) face or ◟◉‵ლ) one ~?
Ciel Phantomhive : -.- Just fucking stop !
Alois bootylicious Trancy : Ok ok , calm down Ciel . Or does my dick have to do that ~? Smile a bit
Ciel Phantomhive : Oh my fucking god ! You know what ? I am done talking to you ! And I hardly ever smile !

Ciel shut the pc angrily and stood up from the chair " Oh damn that stupid blonde! "
He sat down on the bed and hugged his pillow " And Sebastian seems to not care at all about any of this " he bit the pillow closing his eyes and trying to calm down

A knock was heard on the door and Sebastian walked in " Ehm Ciel .. Something came to you " he gave him the small gray box and left silently to read his book
Ciel looked at the box that had a pink bow around it . He slowly untied it and there it was
A small baby blue cake that had pink letters on it
" If I make you smile will you be mine ? "
There was a note beside it

" You told me you like cake so here . People say that you are what you eat , and I do surely believe in that

From your dearest friend
Alois Trancy "

Ciel's eyes widened " Does he .. May he know about me beeing cake ? " he teared the note apart and looked at the cake " It's baby blue .. Cake's fav color " he trowed the cake at the floor " No ! I was so careful about people not reconizing me ! " he shouted and begun to throw books at the floor
Sebastian opened the door " God damn it Ciel I am reading here ! I am busy unlike you ! " Ciel throwed a pillow at him " Shut up ! Leave me alone Sebastian I don't need you bitching at me ! "
Sebastian frowned " Whatever , just be quiet " he rolled his eyes and left as Ciel sat down on the ground
" He has no prove that I am cake , so I am still safe . Beside , I can always denie it " he tryed to stay as calm as he could " Cake has lighter eyes thanks to the contacs and wears makeup , you can't see my face clearly , when he asks I will just say that I don't know who Cake is .. " he closed his eyes still trying to calm himself

Oh Ciel
What a mess you got yourself into


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