Another day in the lab

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As the day went on it was quite normal and a bit boring you had been working for tony ever since he stole you away from shield after he found out about your skills and powers turns out they needed a on staff doctor for the Avengers compound and you fit in nicely with them you felt like you belonged there. Mostly because you never were allowed to use your healing powers as a doctor you had to do it the hard way most of the time. Also it does freak normal people out when they have a broken arm and is healed within seconds you noticed that when you were trying to help a civilian during The attack on New York he was all wide eyed then asked "what the hell did you do ?!" "I healed you !" I tried everything I could to save as many people as possible during that attack but so many were trapped in the rubble it still haunts me the energy everywhere was full of despair.

Tony found out about me when I was given a particular patient that Steve Rogers brought in with much difficulty and Nick Fury assigned me to him knowing that I could pull him out of mind control of a certain degree. He was Steve's right hand man his war buddy, his best friend, Bucky. He had a thick clouded dark energy around his head. But I could find the real person under all the painful memories of Hydra, the things they made him do. The memories that I saw were terrifying they broke him down, took away everything that makes him human. It made me sick after I did what I could for him I had to step out of the room and cry I never liked people seeing me cry it made me feel weak and too vulnerable after I composed myself I came back into the room to see Bucky awake and his eyes darting around the room
He most likely doesn't feel comfortable in a lab
Steve was there coaching him and tony was talking with Fury with my stethoscope I take his blood pressure and ask "how are you feeling Mr.Barnes"
Bucky "I feel .... Ok I guess"
"Any headaches, light headed or queasy?"
Bucky " no"
"Alright well it took a lot of energy to bring you back to yourself I recommend psychiatric therapy for the trauma you endured from Hydra it could help strengthen your mind" Steve puts a hand on my shoulder "I don't think he's quite ready for that"
" fair enough it's probably best you get used to your surroundings first and get a good hold on everything that you missed " looking down with a large sign "not like any of the Avengers need to heed my words it's not like I have two Doctorates in medicine and one in psychology"
Then Tony chuckles " I wonder what other powers you have hiding as well and any other degrees to know about" "well.. I also have a associates degree in Scientology. That one was just for fun and shield funded that one" Tony then looked to fury "why haven't you told me about her she would be an valuable asset to the team"
Fury "I knew you would want to take her for your little boy band and that is out of the question she is a doctor not a super"
Exaggerating with his hands " super? I think is safe to say she is way more than that you own me a explanation"
"Can you guys not talk business here in front of my patient and this is more my decision than yours Mr. Fury" pointed to fury and looking at Tony
me a Avenger that would be the day. My family would love to hear that but they like to keep a low profile these days.  With them my father used to be a bounty hunter in the US special forces but retired to be with my mom now working in security detail's most of the time and works on cars. 
Fury speaks to Tony one last time " we'll talk this over later" then walks out  with one last look to me "make sure Mr. Barnes does not go dark he is now a liability to shield" with that final note and left
I sighed and sat down by my desk that was on the right side of the bed Bucky was on " all things considered I still need to keep you here for some time so I can better evaluate your health and most importantly your mental health I really don't need you going dark on me in my office" he doesn't say a word just looking down at his hands lost in thought  the energy around his head was a cloudy dark blue color and a dark purple almost gray outline in color he felt guilty
"Hey... I'm here for you I know we just met but I care for my patients as best I can" I say assuringly  trying to lighten his mood
"he's not the talkative type but what you can tell me is how you got those wonderful powers that allow you to heal" Tony speaks up over Steve that was about to say something "
"look I'm sure my powers look like a gift from god but it comes with challenges but we can talk later about such things for now I'm going to get some calming tea so Mr.Barnes doesn't feel so suffocated please don't touch anything" I say pointing to everyone in the room

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