Meeting with Fury and Tony

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       The blood tests took a lot longer than expected the protein lipids are through the roof with high white blood cell counts I haven't looked at the DNA yet. It's probably best I don't also probably better I destroy the blood samples if the wrong people get a hold of it they could make a super soldier army. that thought sends shivers down my spine. Well it seems Mr. Barnes is in good health especially due to the serum. With all the data I need I toss the blood samples in the crematory.  Back to the room with Steve and Bucky. Looks like Steve fell asleep cuddled up with a blanket and pillow on the one seater couch. Bucky is still awake fiddling with the remote like he can't figure it out.
"Do you need help with the TV there"
Bucky seems frustrated with it and reluctantly hands me the remote "I feel like a caveman"
" well with that haircut you could be." Giggling to myself  " here this green button turns it on and this one with the arrow's flips through different channels. What do you normally like to watch?"
"They probably won't have anything from my time I mostly watched action movies"
"Then I'll pick one of my personal favorites Eragon a fantasy action movie" finding the movie on Netflix I'm still lost for words as to why they would let me have Netflix in my office space most likely for the patients
"I went over your blood work you seem to be very healthy like a Olympic athlete after I was done with the samples I tossed them in the crematory just in case someone wants to make more super soldiers no offense Mr.Barnes."
"No offense taken Doc"
"Anyway Mr.Rogers seems to be comfortable do you need anything for the night I am going to check into bed" 
" no I'm fine"
"Alright get some sleep" heading to the door Bucky watches as you leave looking as though he wanted to say something.

     Finally making it to your bed you fall right in the covers taking a look at your phone 11:49 pm seeing a lot of missed calls and unanswered texts from Nina asking if you were ditching last minute and to call asap. Not wanting to worry your best friend any more you send her a quick text explaining you had a big thing come up at work and couldn't get into the details but you had to do some overtime and won't be able to go out this weekend either until it's resolved. Then I put the phone on charge and take a hot shower and straight to bed falling asleep almost immediately.

   Waking up to my alarm going off "ugh I get no sleep at this job" just like Residency Training never got to sleep in then either. Brushing my teeth and putting hair putting up in a braided bun, I decided on wearing a turtleneck sweater dress that is form fitting with tights under it also putting on my lab coat and some short black heels. Feeling satisfied with my sense in fashion. I leave to get some quick breakfast I always like being early because there aren't a lot of people in the cafeteria yet too much energy and to loud for the morning. bringing enough for Mr.Barnes and Steve they probably eat a lot with high metabolism's like them and not knowing what they like I bring them both plates of eggs, bacon and toast with butter on the side and cups of coffee
Entering the lab oblivious to the other side "Good morning Mr.Barnes I hope you slept well"
Not even noticing it Bucky is frantically looking around the room his breathing uneven Steve is trying to calm him down with no luck reading the situation and energy in the room he must have had a really vivid nightmare by the looks of it, quickly springing into action Setting the tray on my desk with both my hands emitting a gentle blue light then placing them on both sides of his head clearing his mind. His eyes look straight into mine I see the fear in them. "Just work with me here think about nothing for me or think about where you are now known that you are safe here" as I say he closes his eyes then I release him "sign" that was scary I brought you guys breakfast and coffee setting the food on the table with a smile.
Steve "thanks Dr.Smith you really are amazing with those abilities I could have used you when we had to fight the winter soldier "
"I don't like getting into field work only if it's necessary"
Steve" well you could definitely be Avenger material, If you don't mind me asking... how old are you exactly? "
"Being a Avenger is a nice thought and I am 24 actually I know I look 17 "
Steve "I never would have guessed"
"It runs in the family anyway so despite the nightmares Mr. Barnes how are you feeling today"
"Like a locked up criminal actually"
"I'm sorry about that you can't leave for now I'm sure that is only temporary until you aren't a liability "
Steve "let's look on the bright side you have a really cute doctor looking after you" nudging Bucky with his elbow making me turn red and Bucky's ears blush
Bucky " come on man... "
Trying to change the subject "Umm was the movie good"
Bucky " yes I enjoyed it. I always liked fantasy novels"
*Rings Rings*
"Sorry it's my friend calling probably upset I didn't go out with her last night. I'll step out for a moment."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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