Chapter Fourteen

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Inside the warehouse, the two middle lights were on, providing light, but not enough to see clearly she shut the door and said

"I'm ready for whoever is next, bring it on." Nothing happened so she walked farther in. Suddenly something nipped her on the neck, she swatted, but hit nothing. Next something nipped her leg she shrieked and leapt up on a box just in time to see the end of a tail slithering away into the shadows. "So it's Quicksilver today, come on Quick, give me all you got." She scanned the room and strained her ears to see if she could hear anything. Suddenly she heard a tink tink tink sound as nails hit the metal rafters. She looked up towards the rafters He must be up there somewhere. She turned around and scanned the rafters that wre across from as she didn't know if the sounds was echoing. She was just about to jump off and find him when she felt hot breath on her neck, she slowly looked up into glowing eyes and sharp teeth, she slid quickly off the box and backed away. Quicksilver dropped down, his claws digging into the box sending some pieces flying. She now could fully see him and saw that he was in the form of a dragon, not to big, but not to small, a medium size one, he had sharp horns around his head forming a crown, he was gold with specks of blue on him, he had green eyes, on clouded over,and a thin white beard coming down in a V shape. Small wisps of smoke began to come out of his nose. She didn't know what to expect, so she just watched and waited to see what he would do next. Suddenly he opened his mouth and a burst of orange flames came shooting out she raised her hands and metal came and formed a shield as she ran, the fire followed, the metal began to turn red as he breathed out flames after flames. She banished the shield and jumped up into the rafters. How am I going to defeat him? She watched as a went over to one of the poles and shift into his human form. She quietly slipped over to the pole he was climbing up. She lifted her hands and the pole started shaking as she started to pull it apart it started splitting down the middle and slanting he was almost to the top when the split and slanted caused him to fall, but before he hit the ground he turned into a cat and landed on his feet. She watched as he scampered off. She formed a metal circle and rode down the pole, Natalia walked softly across the floor keeping an eye out for him.

She suddenly kicked something it made a clicking sound as it hit the wall, she followed the sound making sure to watch her back as he could strike any time. Upon reaching the wall she saw a glass syringe filled with something green, she bent down to grab it, suddenly her eyes went blank and her head was thrown back, a image entered in, a image of a wolf chasing someone in a dungeon with white smoke walls, chains hanging from the ceiling, a image of a wolf with bared teeth ready to pounce on a girl in a corner. Suddenly someone jumps out of nowhere and plunges the same syringe into the animals neck. He falls over knocked out. The vision vanishes and she regained her senses. She looks at the syringe, had she caused the image to come into her head or had someone placed it there?

Next to her ear she hears a rattling noise ever so slowly she looks up and sees a rattler on a box above her, looking at her with his snakey eyes she slowly backs away, it shifts into a wolf, the box breaks as there is too much weight, without missing a beat, he lands on the next box swiftly. There was something in there and it makes a crunching sound. He leaps to the ground. Looking at the wolf, she realizes that it looks like the same one as in her vision only in the vision, this wolf had had two eyes, this one had two, but one was scarred and white, Quick was coming closer and closer she ran towards the other side of the room that is filled with more boxes, she can hear him behind her, she jumps onto the boxes and lays flat on her stomach. Quicksilver knows that she's up there, but doesn't know what box she's on. She lifts her head, he's walking the other way she carefully gets up, she follows him then leaps off and lands on his back. He growls and shakes her off, She hangs on, He spins around and around, finally, the momentum makes her fly off, she lands against the wall hard. She loses her breathe and almost blacks out, she shakes her head and looks up just in time to see him pounding towards her, his teeth bared and a low growl echoing through the warehouse. She lifted the syringe and jams it into him just as he gets ready to pounce. He cries out and falls over, his eyes shut and he shifts back into human form, only this time no clothes. She looks around and spies a blanket and drapes it over him. She looks up and sees Kovais rushing towards them with a worried face

"Where did you get that?" He booms pointing to her hand.

"This? She hold up the syringe. I found it on the ground." Natalia responds. Then a quiet voice behinds them says

"It's mine." They turn around and see Aquilo standing there, her head is hung.

"Do tell Aquilo." kovais says

"Well, it's his, I took it from the lab, he told me to, I mean well, we are dating and he said that he is scared that he would hurt me if he gets mad, so he told me to take it and use it if I needed to." She quickly rambles it out

"How did it get on the ground?"

"I dropped it four days ago and have been looking for it ever since, he didn't want you guys to know about it." Kovais satisfied with the answer turns back towards Natalia

"How did you know how to use it Natalia?"

"Well um a vision came into my head about this happening once before. I thought maybe one of you had put it in my head."

"Nope, none of us can do that." Brier responds

"So dear, it must of been you. Aquilo answers, you are the most powerful and Lucy must have put more in you then the rest of us." A groan behind them makes them all turn around. Quick has woken up and is sitting up with the blanket wrapped around him he looks at her rubbing his neck. He gives her a smile and says

"You see Natalia, Lucy has programmed us to kill, she put a little switch in us and at any time she can turn the switch and we will be in kill mode. I saw it first hand, that vision you had, it was my brother, she flipped his switch and he went on a rampage, one of the lab consultants got scared so he created a serum that would knock us out, but not harm us as Lucy needs us to eventually do her dirty work."

"Oh my gosh. Natalia sinks onto a box. We have to stop her! I don't want to live my life knowing that someday, she could flip it, I might, I might hurt the people I love!"

"We know Natalia, we are working on something that has to do with that, we can't tell you about it yet." Kovasis answers his voice starting to soften.

"Good, I can wait, I'll just be careful around her." She starts to get up to leave,

"Natalia, Quicksilver starts, it's time you tell Lucy's kids just how bad she is and that she has been faking being nice and that she is a murderous bi-"

"That's enough Anzel" Kovais's voice booms

"Sorry." Anzel sheepishly sits back down. Natalia takes this opportunity to ask

"But how will I get them to believe me?"

"With these." Kovais hands her an envelope

"What are they?"


"Of what?"

"At the facility, the lab."

"And people being cut open and the gel being put in" Aquilo adds on

"As well as pictures of her using her powers." Brier injects. Natalia opens up the envelope with the pictures and pulls them out, one by one she looks at them finally she drops them back in and asks

"How did you get these pictures?"

"You know how I told you I was on an assignment?"


"Yell I snuck in and took them then."

"Oh. One another thing, how will they know I'm telling the truth, they might say I faked them, photoshopped them."

"We put a letter in there it explains everything, and you have told them your story." Quicksilver states

"True, I'll give it a shot, do you want me to mention you guys?"

"No, not yet, I'll let you know when you can, this is a three step process, your completing the first step tonight."

"Okay." She hugged the girls goodbye and told them that she would be there tomorrow at the time she needed to be there. She gripped the envelopes and left. She walked slowly home, She didn't think that she would be in this position. She wished that she could have lived a normal life, she knew that she never would. She wished that she knew if she had a family so that she could try to contact them and let them know that she was okay if they had been looking for her. Although, she wasn't too sure that they would be looking for anymore as she was an adult now, if she did have a family, they probably thought she was dead. 

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