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Yoda was in his meditation room, focusing all of his senses on the force. As search for more younglings to bring into the Order. Yoda then senses a powerful presence in the force. Sometime later, Yoda, accompanied with Plo Koon landed on the planet of Dantooine and infont of the ruins of an old Jeedi Enclave.

Plo Koon: I sense a strong presence coming from the ruins.

Yoda: Sense it as well, I do.

The two begin to walk towards the ruins.

Plo Koon: We should be careful, it wouldn't be the first time that bandit used ruins like this.

Yoda: Agree.

The two then entered the ruins.

Plo Koon: If I remember correctly, this is were notable jedis were trained during the old republic.

Yoda: Correct you are. Sadly destroyed by the Sith Empire, it was.

They then hear a noise and went to investigate. They entered a room and see a scared 10 year old, huddling near a corner.

Plo Koon: Are you alri-

The boy sticks his hands and force pushes Plo Koon. The two recover from their shock.

?: I-im sorry, I didn't mean too-

Yoda: Be afraid you shouldn't be, Jedi we are.

The boy hesitantly lower his hands.

Yoda: A name, do you have?

Kota: K-Kota Shan.

Yoda: Master Yoda I am. Master Plo Koon this is.

Kota: I'm sorry.

Plo Koon: Don't worry young one, I probably would have done the same. Do you have family near by?

Kota shook his head.

Kota: What's going to happen to me now?

Yoda: Take you back to the temple, we will. A Jedi you'll become.

Kota: Why me?

Yoda: Strong connection to the force, you have. Teach you, I will.

Kota though about it for a moment.

Kota: Okay.

Yoda smiles at him.


Being Yoda's apprentice wasn't easy, but Kota was doing well. Not only he got training from Yoda, but also from other Jedi. Kota was now sneaking around the forbidden parts of the temple. For some reason he's been hearing whispers calling out to him and has been having dreams of a man in a black cloak, carrying two lightsabers and a Woman, who appears to be a Jedi. In side a vault were countless relics from times long since past. Some if them good, some of them evil. But there was one relic calling him. It was a lightsaber. Whrn  Kota touch the lightsaber, the whispers stop.

?: Call to you it did?

Kota immediately turn around and see his master.

Kota: I-im sorry, master I-

Yoda: Call to you, the lightsaber has?

Kota: Yes master..

Yoda: Confirms are suspicion, this does.

Kota: Suspicion, Master?

Yoda: Strong connection to both the Light and the Dark, you have. The lightsaber of your ancestor, call to you it has.

Kota: Ancestor?

Yoda: A powerful Jedi, Revan was. A Jedi  that once fell to the dark and came back. Belong to you now, his lightsaber does.

Kota looks down at the lightsaber and smiles.


Kota was now running through a swampy jungle with Yoda strapped on his back. Kota was climbing one of the many thick vines, while running, climbing, jumping through the air.

Yoda: Run! Yes. A Jedi strength flows through the force. Hmm a strong connection to the force you have.

Kota stops to take a breath.

Yoda: Hmm, yes. Strong in the force you are. Light and Dark side flow through you in a balance, I see. Perfect harmony.

Kota: Why shouldn't I master the force in its entirety, if my ancestor can done it, so can I?

Yoda: Hmm, right you may be. But be warned, let it consume you, you mustn't.

Kota: I won't.

Kota then continue his trek through the swamp.

Yoda: Yes, run, jump, climb.

Kota was now meditating, with rocks of all shapes and sizes floating around him. Yoda watches with a smile. He could fell him getting stronger and stronger. Kota has never boasted or bragged about it, he was always humble about it. Weeks later Kota was in his room at the temple painting something. He stops painting and smiles at his work.

 He stops painting and smiles at his work

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