First Day Of Creepypasta Camp

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It was the first day of Creepypasta camp, and pinkamena was set up and ready to go. She packed her knife and cupcake baking pan. She heard the bus coming and immediately started out the door. She got on the bus, it seemed like there 50 creepypasta's on the bus. Pinkemena started walking to a seat near the back. She saw a girl with black hair and skin as white as snow. She chose to sit in that seat. "Um.. You can't sit here." Said the girl sassily. "Oh, sorry, I'll move.." Said pinkamena. She got up from the seat and saw another girl, she looked to be around 16 or 17, she had brown hair and a clock for an eye. She decided to sit beside her. "Ello." Said the girl. "Hi."said Pinkemena surprised the girl talked to her. "My name is clockwork. What's yours?". "Pinkemenia, but you can just call me Pinkemena.". "Oh! That name is just a pretty name!" Said clockwork sounding delighted. "Thanks! I like your name too!" Said Pinkemena joyfully as always. All of a sudden the bus stopped. They had arrived to the camp! Everyone was thrilled. We got off the bus, but then Clockwork and Pinkemenia got pushed onto the ground by the girl Pinkemenia was originally gonna sit with. "Oops, sorry." Said the girl while laughing at them. Clockwork almost lost her temper, and started mumbling under her breath things about the girl. " Who is that?" Asked Pinkemena. "Kate, killing Kate." "She's a total asshole." Said clockwork like she just lost her temper. "Oh..." They both walked to the cabin where they were staying. They placed there bags on there bunks and went over to the campsite. "Clockwork?". Clockwork looked around she knew that voice anywhere. "E-E.J!?" She looked around and then, her eyes spotted him. It was her boyfriend. He was standing near a tree, he had blood all over his hands. "E.J!!". She ran to him and hugged him. He accidentally got blood on her shirt but, she didn't care. " Oh my god! I haven't seen you in forever!" Said clockwork cheerfully. "Yeah, I missed you so much!" Said E.J. Clockwork kissed E.J on the cheek and smiled at him. He smiled back. Then the curfew bell rung. It was time to go to the cabins and lie down for bed. As they were walking back to the cabin, that's when Pinkemena saw it. She saw something white run into the woods, it caught her eye and started wandering off to it. As Pinkemena was walking towards the woods, she felt something grasp her arm. She immediately turned around and saw that clockwork was pulling her away from the woods. "No! Don't go in there, people have legands that people who go in there, never come back out!" Said clockwork seriously. "Oh, but I swear I saw something white run into there..." Said Pinkemena curiously. "Well, whatever it was, isn't coming out..." Said clockwork sternly. They both walked into the cabin, but as Pinkemena was walking she felt as if she was being watched.

Jeff The Killer x PinkamenaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon