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Chapter 2


Everything felt so light. It was as if you were floating amidst a clear void, no sounds or disturbances it was just. Peaceful. Is this what death is? It's not as bad as people make it out to be, the only reason they fear death is because they're afraid of how they're going to die. Such a fear is understandable, but the happiness afterwards is rewarding as all your troubles fade into non-existence, but you'll never wake up. The eternal slumber, the paralyzing feeling, it's as if you were a forgotten puppet put to the side like an outcast, overlooked and unwanted. You need to wake up. Remember your choice, have the kingdom fall, defy the revived prophecy, and live a peaceful monster accepting life.


The warmth from the sun shined down on your unconscious body, reflecting off the shiny jewels dangling from your curved horns. With a twitch of your finger, you began coming to sense, slowly awakening from your slumber. As your body began functioning again your eyes soon followed suit, opening them slowly as they adjusted to the beaming light shining down on you. With a soft groan you lift your head up from the bed of buttercups, some petals being stuck to your makeup smeared face as you looked around, you sat up observing your surroundings noticing the dry and rocky environment fitted with vines and dull blades of grass the only out of place thing was the healthy bed of buttercup flowers. Rising to your feet you let out a pained hiss before looking down at them noticing you still had your heels on, with a sigh you lean down and slip them off. You looked like a runaway princess at the moment with your dirt covered hair, wrinkled ball gown with heels in hand. With a sigh you took a step as your legs slightly wobbled and stung with pins and needles, taking another step until you found a good tempo to walk you pushed forward to a large purple open arched door frame. The darkness overtook your vision until you saw a beam of light shining down on a fully grown buttercup flower planted in a clean-cut patch of grass, this confused you but then again you are in the monster's territory, so you dared not to question it. You cautiously walked over to the plant and kneeled down in front of it, going to lightly touch its bright petals until a face emerged into it. You yelped and scurried back dropping your heels in the process, "Howdy!" It greeted with a cheeky smile, you blinked until it spoke again "Golly, you're not from here are ya?" it asked, you shook your head still in shock and it seemed to have noticed "Aw don't be scared! I'll guide ya! The ruins can be an awfully scary place if you're not careful. Welp, guess little ole' me will have to do!" it smiled with a wink


    You slowly sat up still keeping a safe distance from the flower creature as you felt a flash of white and black flood your vision for a split second. Once you blinked you felt an absent feeling from within, it was very faint, yet it was there. Like a phantom. Looking down, you saw your very own soul floating in front of you, the glowing warm purple hue surrounded the fragile spirit, "Oh my a purple one? I haven't seen one of those in years! Yet something about yours seems. Different. Like it doesn't belong to you." the flower questioned its voice slowly becoming suspicious before it turned its attention back to you. Your eyes fixated on your own soul as you had never seen it come out without your command, it simply shocked you until your shock was cut off by the flower clearing its throat as it spoke "Since this is your first rodeo, I'll happily teach you the basics!" smiling the flower spawned white small, tiny like pellets, "Down here we monsters adapted to showing new acts of kindness! I use my friendliness pellets to heal those who are injured!" it chuckled as the pellets swirled around you, "That was quite a fall you took, half of your HP was damaged! Here, simply touch them and you'll feel a flood of warmth fill you!" You looked at the pellets as they stopped moving and paused in front of you, as you reached a finger out you hesitated before finally opening your mouth, "Who..are you?" you asked, the flower looked at you with a feigned smile before growing back it's cheeky one "How silly of me! Let me introduce myself properly! Ahem. Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" it greeted; with a small smile you spoke once again "It's nice to meet you Flowey. I'm Lilith, Lilith Veda." you greeted before turning your attention back to the friendliness pellets, "So these..friendliness pellets. Are they manifested naturally, or do you know a healing spell of sorts?" you asked, catching Flowey off guard as it seemed intrigued to see you touch the pellets "Oh? I manifest them naturally. It's just an ability, nothing serious. You might wanna grab those pellets even though. Don't want to wander off into any danger at a poor health level!" he chuckled. Reaching your hand out you grab the floating pellet and let out a pained hiss at the bite felt sensation.


  The stinging sensation lingered throughout your body, what felt like a thousand needles pricking your body through the bite force of a bear caused tears to spill from your eyes. Your soul now shaking violently, practically threatening to break as you clutched your chest, distracted by the pain you failed to notice how Flowey's cheeky smiling face turned into a sadistic grinning one. Its face stretched out the pistil of the petals as it let out a disoriented sickening childlike laugh, "You idiot! I can't believe you actually thought I'd heal you!" you weakly opened an eye still hissing at the lingering pain, "What..why!" you demanded feeling rage slowly boil inside you as the flower continued to laugh as if this was some kind of well-known joke, "Fool! Down here we monsters don't care for one another! It's a well-known rule we have, 'It's KILL or BE KILLED!" it laughed as more deadly pellets surrounded you and your soul, with another sickening laugh the last words you heard from it were "DIE."

You clenched your eyes shut as the pellets got closer to you, awaiting the wave of pain before a true eternal slumber. But suddenly your soul stopped shaking. You felt energized. A confused huff left your mouth as you looked up at the flower, "What...?" it scoffed until a ball of fire was summoned and was knocked into the flower knocking it off somewhere.


Soft footsteps echoed through the ruins until a furry white figure came into view, "Oh my dear child are you alright?" asked a soft soprano voice. Looking at the fluffy figure you notice it was, no it had to be another monster, you looked at the monster and noticed she looked like a goat of some sort. Her warm brown eyes, small horns and low floppy ears that rested on the side of her face finished with a set of small fangs caught your attention, she was a monster! "Oh, do not be frightened my child, I have no intention to hurt you. I am Toriel, caretaker of the ruins and those who fall." she introduced placing her pawed hand over her chest, you noticed the large sage green gown she was wearing had some sort of white embroiderment on it which looked like what could be a type of symbol. You looked down at your chest and noticed your soul was gone, had it returned back inside you? As if sensing your tense curiosity Toriel spoke, "Ah, do not worry my child your soul is inside you where it belongs." she eased you as she made her way to you, holding her paw out as if offering you to take it. You glanced at it and felt your heart quake a little. She was no sinner at all however the amount of grief and agony you saw on it made you wonder what this woman went through down here, in your eyes you saw a combination of midnight blue and sangria red, both combined to represent both emotions she was holding back inside. Not noticing how you were just staring at her paw she spoke, "My child? Is something the matter? Do not worry, my claws will not hurt you." giving you a soft smile you grasped her hand as she helped you to your feet.


   Rising to your feet you dusted yourself off, "Oh my child! What happened to you?! You are covered with scar-" the woman cut herself off before gently pulling you closer to the spotlight illuminating from above to get a clear look at you before she let out an audible gasp. Scanning over your features from your horns to your scarred face down to the runes on your arm she sighed, "You poor child, they sacrificed you anyway didn't they.." you looked at her shocked, "How'd you know?" you asked feeling heat swell in your nose, with a feigned smile she pulled you close, "For you aren't the only one to be sacrificed to the false prophecy my child. Many children have come down here expecting to fulfill their so-called duty and keep us down here for eternity however..they all meet their end here." she explained as your tears began to flow from your eyes, you never knew there were others before you. Had they all been born on this very mountain like you? Were they human at first? Had they been forced to do this like you? The very thought saddened you. Hushing your quiet sniffles and hic's Toriel used the thumb pad of her paw to gently wipe away the salty tears on your makeup smeared face, "Come my child here you will be safe with me, I will protect and love you for as long as you stay here! We can be like a happy little family." Toriel smiled as she held your hand and began guiding you through the ruins.


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