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My (21F) age gap relationship is causing my friends to show their true colours and it's really starting to bother me.

I (21F) have been dating Sam (29M) for a few months, we are both independent people, I live on my own and have my own space, I am working towards my nursing degree and I'm currently a PSW at a hospital nearby.

Sam and I met a few months back at a bar and really hit it off. Sam looks young for his age, he actually looks to be around my age honestly, and when I found out he was one year away from turning thirty I really didn't believe him, he jokingly showed his ID to me to prove it, and truly I was shocked at first. We continued going out on dates though, and we both ended up developing feelings for each other. Here we are now a few months later, and we are as happy as can be, and truly enjoy every moment we have together. He supports me in any of my ventures, and I support him all the same.

Now, onto the problem. When I first started seeing Sam my friends were very supportive, they were happy for me and glad that I found someone I really got along with! That is until they found out how old he was, after stalking his Facebook (I didn't tell them because I don't think it's something that needs to be disclosed, I never disclosed ages in my past relationships...So I don't know what would be different about this.). They were immediately judgemental, and told me he was using me for sex, or to just be a young girl on his arm etc. I felt offended by this, and yes, they can have their own opinions but it really hurt me that they had turned to judge like this, as it wasn't expected from them (they "dated" much much older men, meaning men in their fifties/sixties.).

I explained that it was nothing like that, and they shot back with he will probably want to trap me and lock me in for life, so I'll have to be reliant on him. I told them that they were out of line with what they were saying. They've turned to threatening me, and telling me they'll never speak to me again if I continue with this relationship, and I'm left in shock.

TLDR; my friends don't like the age gap in my current relationship and they're threatening me and telling me that they'll never speak to me again if I stay in this relationship with Sam.


EDIT: I am trying to respond to everyone who has commented, I wasn't expecting this kind of engagement on this post.

EDIT 2: I also recommend looking at my other replies before jumping to the conclusion that I didn't hear my friends out. I gave them several chances and wanted to know what they had found etc. all they kept saying was the age gap comments.

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