The reveal

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Cat fact thingy of this chapter: Cats have an extra organ that allows them to taste scents on the air
I crawled after the kid as they were walking out of the store. Please, please!!! you must understand I need that recipe, I promise you I will never let this go, you hear me?! I yelled after the kid but they didn't even spare me a wink.
I got up quickly, I knew what I had to do.
I went out the window and started following the kid, if they weren't going to give the recipe to me willingly, I suppose I'd have to take it, I thought with a smirk 😏

The kid walked normally, so that must be step 1. of the fart recipe. I started to try and walk normally as I was still secretly following the kid, but it was too hard to walk like that, so I went back to my usual walking. The kid went straight for about 50 km, then turned right, they walked for about 700 m more until they finally stopped at a bridge. The kid went to the railing and was looking down at the water, I kept my distance still. After a little the kid started climbing up the railing, I kept still, waiting to see what was to come. NONONONO this couldn't be happening I need that recipe. I ran over as quickly as I felt like at the moment, the kid had jumped of the railing just like that, as I looked down the kid looked back up at me they were sitting on a net, that was placed on the side of the bridge. So what'd you follow me for? The kid asked me, as I was still processing it all. I- I told you I really need that fart recipe I answered.

The kid looked away from me and out over the water, I looked as well it was quite pretty with the sunrise. Listen said the kid, if you want it that bad we could make a deal... I'm listening I said, well the thing is.. I'm not.. I'm not human the kid said in a serious manner, what do you mean? I asked doubtfully, looking at the expressionless kid, I waited a little. The kid looked me straight in the eyes, I stared right back the kid's eyes were red like an alpha's "I'm Timmi" said the kid.
okay? I asked, confused as to why this was such a serious matter.
The kid sighed, don't you get it? I'M TIMMI said Timmi annoyed, I was a little shocked to get yelled at like that, sorry, but I have never heard of a Timmi.

Out of nowhere Timmi transformed into a cat like thing "what the.." I said after the sudden transformation that had just happened in front of me. "See I told you, I'm Timmi" said Timmi okay.. I said so what's the deal? I asked "right let me explain" said Timmi, the thing is being like.. me isn't exactly.. easy, especially not in the business I'm in, but if I had a.. uhm.. servant of sorts, someone like you, doing my job would be quite the bit easier, and of course in return I'd give you the fart recipe.

Alright, It's a deal I replied.

And so started my journey as Timmi's servant...


Still short according to a certain someone.. but oh well we finally got to the point hope you enjoyed!!☺☺☺



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