It's Not Unusual

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 How did I find myself in this situation? Fate perhaps? No that's not it. It was when i was nearly impaled by a sword on my way home from the store.

It was a rainy day that day. I had seen the news earlier of an oncoming storm. Dark clouds formed in the air already but I needed a few things for dinner. Checking my wallet, I discovered I had enough money. If I hurried, I could get home before it got bad. Grabbing a nearby hoodie, I shoved my wallet in my pocket and closed the door behind me.

The store was about two miles away. I flipped up my hood and started down the street. It was just a drizzle, but by the time I had made it too the store and heading back, the thunder had rolled in and shook the sky with each crash of electricity.

I held the bag of goods in my arms and started to run. Lighting flashed ahead and a heavy wind picked up. I was almost ripped from the ground. Just then, something zoomed past me cheek. I froze up, wondering what it was. At first, I had assumed it was just lightning playing a trick on me but in front of me, shaking in the storm was a long katana, dug into the cement. A ribbon tied to the handle flapped around wildly in the wind.

My heart drummed in my chest. I could almost pick up a small beat among the fear it held.

I let the bag slide to my elbow and approached the sword carefully.

​​​​​​ Lightning flashed again, threatening to grip the metal hold of the blade.

As I reached out to grab it and try to pull it from the ground, a voice yelled over the pounding of the rain.

"Look out!"

I didn't have a chance to turn around. I was grabbed from behind and tackled to the ground. From the corner of my eye, the katana was lit up with fire. The electricity shot down from the sky above.

I shut my eyes and suddenly, I was being carried. I was afraid. Who was this? Was I being kidnapped?

​​​​​​ I looked up to whoever it was and gazed over a male's face. He looked young with slicked back and spiked blonde hair. It reminded me of a fictional character of a sort. I couldn't see his eyes, covered up with bladed sunglasses. Triangle shaped I could say?

The stranger's arms wrapped around me tightly and I saw the handle of the sword peeking from his back. It looked charred black and the ribbon was toasted.

I had just noticed my hands were giving his black tank top a death hold. I released slightly and looked around. He was running. The street was fairly familiar. It wasn't far from my house. The rain still poured down and another bout of thunder roared ahead. The stranger was soaked with rain but he didn't care much. I struggled a little and he looked down, tightening his grip. "Hey bro." He grinned. "You're alive." He didn't speak loud but loud enough to hear over the storm. That's when I realized my bag was gone. "W-Where's my stuff!?" I had to yell.

He didn't reply.

Nor did he stop until he was standing under the porch to a tall house. I was set on my feet and he opened the door. I looked around slowly. The rain couldn't hit me here. I looked back to the stranger. "Who are you?"

He gave a sly smirk and gestured inside. "Let's talk when we're out of the rain hm?"

I didn't feel comfortable but something pulled me inside the house. He closed the door behind and grabbed a nearby towel to dry himself off. While he did, I looked around slowly. The house wasn't exactly tidy. Strange dolls littered the ground and a paused game of Tony Hawk was on TV. The character was glitched out in a pole. An odd puppet sat atop a bookshelf. It's rosy cheeks clashed with its oversized t shirt and backwards hat. It seemed to be looking at me but it was only a doll. Right?

It's Not Unusual ((X Dirk/One Shot))Where stories live. Discover now