Beyond the Pages: A Love Story Between Character and Reader

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Once upon a time, there was a character named Jack. Jack was a fictional character in a book, but he had a secret. He was in love with the reader. Every time the reader picked up the book and started to read, Jack's heart would beat faster. He loved the way the reader's eyes moved across the page, devouring his every word.

As the reader delved deeper into the story, Jack couldn't help but feel like he was falling in love. He knew it was silly, he was just a character in a book after all, but he couldn't help himself. He loved the way the reader laughed at his jokes and cried at his pain.

As the story progressed, Jack's feelings for the reader grew stronger. He wanted nothing more than to leap off the page and be with them. He knew it was impossible, but he couldn't help but dream.

As the reader reached the end of the book, Jack's heart was heavy. He didn't want the story to end, he didn't want to say goodbye to the reader. But he knew it was inevitable.

The last page turned, and the book closed. Jack's heart sank. He would never see the reader again. But just as he was about to give up hope, a miracle happened.

The reader picked up the book again, and this time they started reading it from the beginning. Jack couldn't believe it. The reader wanted to spend more time with him. It was like a dream come true.

As the reader read the book for the second time, Jack's love for them grew stronger. He knew it was foolish, but he couldn't help himself. He loved the reader with all his heart, and he hoped that one day they would realize it and love him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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