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We join today at the seat of the sea to commit the lady laena of house velaryon to the eternal waters the domination of the merling king

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We join today at the seat of the sea to commit the lady laena of house velaryon to the eternal waters the domination of the merling king

Where he will guard for all the days to come as she sets sea for her final voyage the lady laena leaves two true born daughters on the shore though their mother will not return form her voyage they will remain bound together in blood salt courses through velaryon blood

Our runs thick our runs true and ours must never thin

I turned my head when I heard daemon laughing beside me I gave him the look and punch him in his stomach with my elbow

He quickly shut up my gentle niece may the wind be as strong as your back your seas as calm your spirit and your nets be as full as your heart

From the sea we came  to the sea we shall return.

Looking up above I see all the dragons flying except for vhager I look down in sadness mommy mommy I look down to my left and saw Rhealla

Why are you sad mommy she asked I gave her I said smile I knelt down to her level I pushed some hair from her face making her laugh I smiled

I looked over my shoulders and saw Laenas kids by themselves i looked back at Rhealla how about we go meet your cousins I said as I got up and took her hand

Leading her to them when they looked up at me there eyes water with tears I knelt down in front of them as soon as I did they jumped in my arms and started crying

Over the years me and laena have gotten really close I was there when she gave birth to both of baela and rhaena

I pulled away a cuped both of their faces wiping there tears away I gave them a sad smile

I grabbed Rhealla hand a brought her closer this is Rhealla your cousin I told them they gave her a sad smile i walked away letting them get to know each other and walk to daemon

You have a a lot of explaining ser I told him smirking as he wrapped his arms around me about he asked

You know what I laughed you know you haven't thought of a name yet he reminded me

Yesterday I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl looks just like me

I thought for a moment I smiled then looked back at him laena what about her he asked that's her name laena.

We were woken up when the king call for a meeting for every i quickly walked in the room and looked for my kids

Once I spotted them I saw Rhealla with a bloody nose and max crying I ran towards them an knelt Dow to there level

What happened I asked in anger looking over Rhealla face h-he attacked us Alex said pointing to aemond all of the kids started yelling at one another enough father shouted stopping all of them

aemond I will have the truth of what happened father said

I paid no mind to there arguing and paid attention to my kids until I saw Alicent run towards rhaenyra with a knife I quickly got up to get in the way but daemon stopped me let me go I snapped

You know I can't do that he whispered in my ear as all the children screamed in fear you've gone too far rhaenyra told her i what have I done but what was expected of me forever upholding the kingdom the family the law Alicent cried will you flout all to do as you please

Where is duty we're is sacrifice it's trampled under pretty foot again and now you take my sons eye and to even that you feel entitled Alicent said

Exhausting wasn't it hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness but now they see you as you are rhaenyra said

Alicent pushed rhaenyra away cutting her arm I watched as a blood fled from her arm daemon finally let me go as soon as he did I walked towards Alicent and punched her

I heard everyone gasp and shock haven't you done enough I yell and she looked back at my her cheek was cut letting her blood flow down her face first you take rhaenyra throne and now this I asked as daemon grabbed my arm but I pulled away

I got closer to her..nothing would make me happier then to see your head on a spike I snapped before walking away not looking back.

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