Dark Prince

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It was a night like any other. Perhaps it could have been considered a bit chillier than normal as winter was setting in, but how could anyone have suspected the thick fog that was soon to plague the city?
The castle itself was like any castle of that time. Large walls protected the perimeter with guards at every entrance. It was taller than any building that could possibly have been built in the bustling town, but the most prominent feature could have been the tower in the heart of it, standing out like a sore thumb, and ever so darker than the rest of the grounds.
People often whispered among themselves, gossiping like school girls about it. How a vampire lived there, how he killed people in the night and left them bleeding out in the alleyways.
Others say it was where the king watched over the people, and some say they see a demon's shining eyes.
Not that any of the concerns would be brought to the king himself, or if they even could.
The gates remain locked, and nobody has gone in or out for as long as I could remember.
Although I do recall... Ever so long ago when I myself had looked to the tower.
Like a shadow, a figure had moved across the window and perhaps for a moment, I had made eye contact from whoever was up there. But it could have easily been my childish imagination, for I hadn't seen a thing since.
Still, I find myself looking up to the tower often all these years later.
"Have you regarded all the nobles riding into borough as of recent?" A noble woman's voice took my attention away from my work.
I allowed myself to tune in, shoveling another pile of compost into the horse-drawn cart beside me.
"I overheard the King was opening the gates. His son is of age to take a bride."
"His son?" The first woman released a soft gasp. "I presumed that was just a myth. Does he truly have a son? Why has nobody seen him?"
"I heard the prince was dangerous, a demon even. They chain him up in the dungeon."
The two women giggled amongst themselves.
"A demon prince? No wonder the city is going downhill. Just yesterday I was overcharged for my new dress. It must be the bad luck that filth brings. I hope whoever he marries has the mind to spear him through after the wedding."
The prince getting married? Their conversation wasn't of interest any longer but it was... Intriguing to think about how nobody even knew the prince's name.
With another heavy shovel, I dropped the last of the compost into the cart and released an exhale. Of course, I was interested, I'd give anything to enter the castle but I wasn't a royale, I wasn't even a noble.
I was me, poop shoveler Nagito Komaeda, and I wasn't going to be anything more than that.
"Get out of the way!" A shout suddenly altered my attention to the streets where I could see a carriage riding up but with so many people suddenly crowding around, even the horse was hidden.
I tried going to my tippy toes, and craning my neck to no avail. The women that had just been talking let out excited cries.
"It is the sovereigns!" And suddenly I was thrown down in their attempt to push past me.
I didn't hit the ground particularly hard, but the smell of the poop scraped against the road clung to my clothes, filling my nose with the vile stench.
"Princess Nanami! Over hither!" Someone called with excitement.
"Princess Nevermind, you are so elegant in person!" Another cheered.
"Princess Mioda will you be striving to sway the Prince's hand tonight!?"
"Princess Owari I cherish you!"
As I began pulling myself up, my vision was captured by one of the royal carriages. It took a moment for me to realize it was in fact, stopped in place. The gold plates of the wheels were practically blinding, but I could see someone walking towards me, looking almost like a muffin in her large dress.
"Are you alright?" Her soft voice questioned as she extended her pale hand. "I saw what they did, how mean of them to push you down."
For a moment, I was about to grab her hand, then quickly pulled back when I realized I was looking into the face of Princess Nanami, and I was covered in horse waste.
"No, I could not!" I quickly lowered my gaze. "Pardon me, princess, but I am covered in poop, I would get your hands filthy before the ball."

Dark Prince ((Kamukura X Komaeda One Shot))Where stories live. Discover now