Act 2, Scene 1

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(We open up on a dark lab, a throne sits there along with some chairs (that look heavy but will be made out of cardboard) as Manny and Jennifer stand there, along with Chris, Gemma, and Christine)

Gemma: Man, it's great being a part of Team S.K.Y!

Christine: I know, right? Plus, it comes with the sweet perk of these powers!

Gemma: With Manny's metal kinetic, Jennifer's ability to freeze time, Chris's ability to summon the dead, your ability of Mind manipulation, and my heightened senses, we're an unbeatable team!

Jennifer: Don't forget the boss's powers. That super strength comes in handy.

Christine: Man, screw the boss! I haven't seen them leave their room once!

(Miche walks onstage, shaking their head)

Miche: What's this I hear about screwing me?

Christine: Oh, Boss, I didn't see you there. Um, no-nothing. I said nothing.

(Miche slowly nods their head as they walk over to one of the chairs, picking it up easily and throwing it over at Christine, Christine barely missing it)

Miche: Any one of you decides to disobey me, I will throw you out the window! Got it?!

(They all nod their heads as Miche walks over to the throne, sitting down with one leg over the other, holding their wrist)

Miche: Now, any news anyone will wish to speak about?

Chris: I used my zombie to rob a store.

Miche: And may I ask why?

Chris: Well, he's undead, right? So, if anyone were to shoot him, he would still be able to run away with the stuff.

Miche: And do you think... I gave you this power... just to use it for petty crimes?!

Chris: Well, no. But there hasn't been any use for my power yet.

Miche: Just wait, your time will come soon. Anyone else?

Gemma: I used my power to kill some girl's parents.

Miche: Oh? And how did you do that?

Gemma: Well, I used my heightened senses to listen to the footsteps of this girl. She was walking home and I heard a window unlock. I turned around and saw that her parents opened up a window. So, I went in and killed them!

Miche: And what became of the girl?

Gemma: She ran away crying. Don't worry. I don't think we'll hear from her again.

Miche: Excellent. Christine?

Christine: Yes boss?

Miche: How's the president doing?

Christine: They're in the cell, still under my control. Why? Do you want them to announce something again?

Miche: No no, just wanna make sure we don't lose our leverage. (They turn to look at Jennifer and Manny) What about you two?

Jennifer: We bumped into a girl and this handsome guy. And I'm talking handsome handsome. Like, tall and muscular. I would want to climb that tree and see where that takes me.

Miche: Uh... Jennifer?

Jennifer: Huh, oh nothing. Ignore me. Anyways, they had nothing valuable so we broke something that was important to them.

Miche: And that being?

Manny: It was this stupid tree.

Miche: A tree? Wait... was it on a hill?

Jennifer: Yeah, I think so. Why?

Miche: (They look away a bit before looking at them) Nothing. I'm sure it's nothing.

Manny: Well, what's the next plan boss? Are we gonna make some trouble?

Miche: You know what, I'm bored. But, let's not go out like this. We need some new names.

Chris: Like a super villain team?

Miche: Exactly like that.

Jennifer: I'll be... Ms.Freeze!

Manny: Give me... Metal Man!

Gemma: I'll be Scout!

Christine: I'll be Hypno-sis.

Chris: I guess I'll be the Resurrector

Miche: Give me The Weightlifter.

Gemma: I like the sound of this. Now we really are the evilest team out there! Let's do this thing!

Chris: Wait, let's do an intro. The most powerful evil team out there! Ms.Freeze, Metal Man, Scout, Hypno-sis, Resurrector, and The Weightlifter. Together, they are... TEAM S.K.Y!

Miche: Team S.K.Y! Let's create some mayhem!

All: TEAM S.K.Y!

(They all run off-stage, blackout)

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