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Hi guys.

It's my first book....

Yea yea ik what you are thinking

'First book? Nvm they might not be good' but plz give a chance.

Read it .... you might like it

Tiara Johnson
She is a sassy woman. She is awesome and witty. She is like the water which like to play with fire. May be a specific fire.

Leonardo Romano
He is a grumpy man. He is thoughtful and a silent killer. He is the fire that tiara want to play with.

She is not sure how much smoke will be produced with their relationship. If the smoke will go away with the air or be a deadly hazard.

To know what will happen to the fire and water

Plz read my farfalla

Tell me your views so I can improvise on the story.

I hope you like it.

If not give it some time ..... I'm sure I'll get my right target audience.

His Farfalla 🦋 Where stories live. Discover now