Chapter 7 - Moving On

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A quarter moon passed, and Cloud-eye Four and Pale Six were growing comfortable with their life at Deep Hollow. They spent most of their time belowground, but they'd also been taken above ground several times by Packmembers to be trained on various skills. They still didn't succeed much, but at least they now knew the very bare bones basics of tracking, which animals are and aren't prey, following a scent trail, and how to take down various sizes of animals. They hadn't gotten to actually put their practice into action much yet, but at least they weren't as hopeless as before.

Furless One was also recovering, slowly but surely. He was given plenty of food to eat in small portions, alongside a daily dose of strengthening herbs. He was still being kept warm day and night, and became more vivid as time went on. Gunnar sometimes would simply refuse to leave him alone, much to Furless' but also Cloud-eye Four and Pale Six's annoyance.

One day, as usual, Cloud-eye Four and Pale Six were sitting together with Furless One. Their friend was asleep soundly, while they were chewing on a rabbit each.

"Cloud. Pale, got a moment?" Gray Ears approached. She gestured with her muzzle to her sleeping cave. The young wolves glanced at one another and silently followed.

"You want to talk to us?" Pale Six said as they settled down on the deer pelt.

Gray Ears nodded. "It's about your stay at Deep Hollow."

Cloud-eye Four cocked his head. Pale Six blinked. Neither said anything, but it sounded like bad news was coming.

"Look," Gray Ears said calmly. "I have taken you in and shown you three hospitality. And I genuinely want what's best for you. But I also have to think about my Pack first and foremost. Truth is, we're not big enough to support three new wolves who can't look after themselves yet. Not in the long run, at least. Which is why I've let you stay for about two quarter-moons. But it can't last forever. I've let you recover and I'll let you stay for another few days, but after that I think it's best if you move on."

"I was starting to like it here," Cloud-eye Four said gloomily.

Gray Ears' eyes looked sympathetic. "I feel for you, I really do, but I just don't think it's wise for my Pack to keep all three of you around forever."

Pale Six sighed but nodded. "I understand, I think. I'm sad to go, but I do thank you for all your hospitality. Thanks to you, both me and Cloud at least know something about survival."

"But what about Furless? He's too weak to travel still," Cloud-eye Four remarked, worry edging his voice.

"I have thought of that," Gray Ears said. "With yours, and of course his approval, I'd like to properly adopt him into the Pack of Deep Hollow. I'll take him in, I'll name him, I'll make sure he recovers fully, and after that personally teach him all there is to being a wolf as if he were my own son or trainee."

"You'd do that?" Pale Six gaspedg.

"Yes. There's no way I'm sending a still-recovering wolf away, especially an inexperienced one without a coat in the middle of winter."

Cloud-eye Four's ears drooped. "But that'd mean...splitting up."

"We've just kind of always been together," Pale Six said. "We're almost like brothers, basically, even if we're not related."

Gray Ears nodded. "I know, I understand your pain. I just thought that this was for the best."

Pale Six looked at his paws. "You're right," he finally said, "You can't send Fur away. Please take him in." He glanced at his friend. "We'll go."

Cloud-eye Four said nothing. He just tried to imagine whatever came next. Traveling further north through unknown territories, possibly facing new threats, having to brave the winter and figure out how to find food again. And all of that without their closest friend.

Dark Stones Novella #2: Escape From the ArmyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant