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(Y/N)'s figure forcefully shut the door as soon as she passed through, and as she rested on the other side, her body unwillingly slid to the floor. Her head hung low, her legs pressed against her chest anxiously.

"Now what...?" She mumbled under her breath, her lips shivering and her eyes welling up in tears as her mind fumbled to think of a plan to follow next, yet no answers came to mind. The situation was hopeless no matter how she looked at it, which aggravated her state of being even more. Her mind went blank. All she could think of was losing Violet again, but this time without a chance to get her back, which was no valid option.

After minutes of contemplating and sniffling around, her head finally arose from the comfort of her knees it was previously resting on, rubbing her nose and drying any remaining tears with her sleeves, only to reveal a shadow looking down on her. Her hands reached for the revolver attached to her waist, but to no avail, as it slipped through her fingers right as she pointed it at the skinny man covered by a large cloak. Nevertheless, he raised his hands in the air, in fear that she would reach for it a second time and shoot at him.

"Please, there's no need to shoot... That's Vi inside, isn't it?" He stuttered, barely managing to spit out what he had in mind.

"Who are you? How do you know her?" (Y/N) spoke harshly, still having her fair share of doubts about the man that presumably appeared from thin air.

"I'm a friend, or at least I was... I owe her old man my life, and I haven't seen her in ages, so how is she?" His mouth opened to speak, stuttering once again while he opened up about his acquaintance, the light of the sign shining on his facial features for but a fraction of a second, causing him to pull the hood over his face as much as he could, yet (Y/N)'s face lit up with gleaming hope at the sight of it.

"Now that I think about it, I've seen your face a few years back at the Last Drop! I don't remember your name, and I don't think you remember me either, but please help us! Violet's bleeding. She needs medical attention, but I don't know my way around here." She pleaded, taking his hands in hers after grabbing her gun off the ground, yet the man quickly averted with an awkward laugh as he studied her face, ultimately realizing who he was standing in front of. 

"Doctors are hard to come by down here, but I know someone that could help. Follow me." He departed from her, looking behind to check whether she was heading after him, not knowing that she had no other option but that.

The figure led her through the endless darkness, and her eyes traveled around with a frown plastered on her face. She knew that the situation in the trenches was deplorable, but now that she had seen it firsthand, all she could feel was pity for the people barely surviving in there. 

Yet the trenches weren't only darkness and emptiness all around. The male led (Y/N) to a secluded area where only a little, mysterious structure managed to get dimly lit by a blinking bulb. His bony hand hovered over a few pieces of scrap, producing a melody and potentially a sound cue for the incoming creature that revealed itself by opening a sliding, iron door, yet still being held back inside by bars.

"Ailment?" Words came out of its mouth with a bizarre and dreadful voice, the vibrations sending shivers down (Y/N)'s spine, and by now all eyes were on her.

"She's been stabbed." She spoke after a few more seconds, visibly hesitating, but the creature didn't seem to care too much, loudly shutting the opening as it turned its back on them.

"She makes potions. Helps people with this..." The male's dark hood slipped down as he confessed, grimacing as (e/c) eyes stared at the tumor-like state of his head, pulling the hood over to his chin again soon after with trembling hands.

"So that's what this place lives off of? Shimmer?" She grabbed the man's arm to get closer in order to whisper to him, scared that someone else would hear about her dismay about shimmer, but she was quickly interrupted mid-sentence.

"You don't get it! I only wanted to feel what it was like to make people afraid, instead of being the one that's afraid of them. I wanted to be somebody in this world..." His voice broke down more and more with each word spoken, but it was just a matter of time until he didn't have anything more to say. All he could do was stare at the ground as piercing, disapproving eyes gazed at him from a higher level.

"Trade." The odd voice from before emerged as the creature from behind the iron bars appeared once again, this time with a flask on the table, ready to give it out, but not without a worthy deal.

(Y/N)'s hands roamed around, no idea what to place on the table but the revolver she so valued, but in her eyes, it was now or never. There was nothing more precious than her beloved's life, and as time ticked, she could feel the distance between them. With no other thoughts in mind, she slammed the gun on the table along with some shiny gold coins she kept in her pocket for emergencies, and with the addition of one more ingredient, the potion was done.

"Come on, I think you and Vi might have a few things to talk about." (Y/N) hid the potion deep inside her pocket, careful not to spill or lose any of it.

"No, you go ahead. I don't want anyone else to see me like this. Just tell her I'm sorry... About everything..." The man remained at the kiosk, the cold light painfully highlighting his hard-earned features, acquiring a bitter smile from the (h/c)-haired woman which slowly departed from his bony figure.

"I'll give her your regards. By the way, the gun you were so afraid of... It was empty." She waved him goodbye with a laugh to lift up the mood, and he waveringly returned the gest with a smile haunting the corners of his mouth.

At the sight of that, she nodded and went on with her journey back to the sign. She ran, afraid that something might have happened to the pink-haired woman while she left her alone, and her feet ran as fast and as much as they could throughout the darkness, guiding after the purple light.

The door opened and closed with a loud thud, and an audible sigh of relief followed through as the room looked nearly identical to how (Y/N) left it, including Vi resting on the hard bed with labored breathing and half-open eyes from the sound the door made.

"Vi, thank goodness you're still here. Here, drink up." (Y/N) approached the woman, uncorking the bottle and positioning it to her mouth, opening it slightly as she didn't want to comply and only a drop after tasting the potion her eyes shot open immediately.

"(Y/N), that's poison, can't you see...? The color, that's shimmer." The said woman gathered enough energy to speak, her voice coming off as hoarse and tired. Her hands pushed the flask away vigorously, yet to no avail, as (Y/N)'s body climbed on top of hers and leaned closer toward her face.

"Oh, shut up, Violet. I would much rather have you drink this than dead, but you leave me with no choice, so excuse me just this once."  She cupped one of Vi's cheeks with her hand, caressing her bottom rosy lip to open up her mouth a fair bit as her eyes studied Violet's response to all of her actions, but as the pink-haired woman tried to lean in even closer, (Y/N)'s thumb fully opened her mouth, only to dump all of the contents of the bottle inside of her mouth, dropping it right after to grab onto one her hands and press her lips onto hers.

Her eyes widened in a matter of seconds, tears nearing her eyes from the overwhelming sensation of the potion, clutching onto (Y/N)'s hand for dear life as drops of the potion made their way out through the corners of their mouths. (Y/N) grimaced from the taste of the liquid, now truly feeling the uneasiness, but it was all being shaken off by the ongoing kiss they just couldn't break just yet even if their lives depended on it, so it went on until they were out of breath and panting.

"I think that should be enough..." (E/c) eyes stared back at a pair of ashy ones as the two departed from each other, only a thin string of mixed-in saliva connecting the two, as well as Violet's hands pushing her companion closer.

"Really? Well, I don't think so, cupcake."

𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖛𝖎𝖈𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖊【Vi x fem!reader】Where stories live. Discover now