Chapter 5: Debate

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 If you were to ask me now why I made the decision that I did, I'm not sure that I could tell you. I just remember the look in her eyes. It was so genuine, like she was hanging onto every word. As I told more of my story, I began to feel a sensation of hope and relief. This girl had never been a part of any of this, yet she didn't seem to think that we were crazy like anyone else probably would.

 "Wow," she said finally as she shook her head. "You two really have been through a lot."

 I tried to mask my disbelief. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. I never gave it much thought before."

 She gave me a confused look. "Really," she questioned, "how come?"

 I thought for a second, then answered, "I guess I've never had much of a chance to go back and really think about it. I'm just so used to having to take it one day at a time."

 We were quiet for a moment. Finally, I decided to ask her the question that had been in the back of my mind this whole time.

 To my surprise, Carl beat me to it. "So, you don't think we're, like, crazy or something? I mean, what we just told you is a pretty unusual story. No one would blame you if you didn't believe it."

 She shook her head. "No, no, I believe you. I guess I just find it wild that you've come to accept this kind of stuff as a part of your everyday life."

 I was floored, but I tried to keep a neutral expression on my face. "Really? You mean that?"

 She nodded. "Absolutely. Honestly, you've got a lot of strength. If it were me, I probably would have gone insane by now."

 I nodded. "I'd be lying if I said I haven't gotten close at times."

 She chuckled. "That makes sense."

 She suddenly looked at her watch. I hadn't noticed it on her wrist before. Her eyes suddenly widened.

 "Oh," she remarked, "It got really late all of a sudden."

 I checked the time as well and saw that she was right. It was now half past 11. How had we been talking for so long?

 "Well," she said as she got up from the couch, "I've really enjoyed meeting you guys, but I guess I should find some place to stay, at least for the night."

 As she was about to walk away, a strange feeling rose in my chest. Before I could stop myself, I stood up.

 "Wait," I found myself calling after her. She turned to face me with a startled look. "You could stay here, if you want."

 She looked grateful, yet embarrassed. "Are you sure," she asked, "I couldn't ask you to go out of your way for me".

 I simply shook my head and grinned. "Not at all. It wouldn't be right to leave you out there with no place to go. Please, feel free to stay here, it's no trouble".

 For some strange reason I found myself desperate. I wanted this girl to stay as long as possible. Of course, everything I was saying was true, but there was some other reason that I couldn't identify.

 She smiled gratefully at me. "Thank you. I promise, tomorrow I'll be out of your way."

 This time, it was Carl who spoke. "Or, you know, you could stay for as long as you need to." He paused and looked to me. "I mean, if that's okay with Nathan."

 I agreed. "Yeah, of course. I mean, if you don't remember how you even got here, then there's no way you can know how to get back. You can use the room you woke up in before, if you want to."

 I could have sworn I saw her blush a little. "Uh, you-" she stuttered, "Thank you so much. Honestly, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Seriously, I can't thank you guys enough."

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