13- Guilty yet?

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Jenna's POV

I awoke the next morning still extremely dissapointed in Harry. I check my phone, as I do every morning, and am surprised to see an emergency government number on my screen, indicating a missed call.

Curious I call the number back. A lady about 40 years old I'd say answers the phone; "Hello my name is Phoebe how May I help you?" She sounds annoyed.

"Um well actually this number called me a couple hours ago.. I was just wondering why?" There's a long uncomfortable pause before I hear faint whispers in the background.

"Miss Thompson, do you know a young boy named Harry Styles..?" Hearing her words my heart sank, either something terrible has happened to him, or he himself did something terrible.

"Y-yes..?" I stutter not knowing what to expect.

"I'm so sorry but he was in a major car accident last evening and is not doing very well, we found his phone and you were the first on speed dial. I dont mean to alarm you about this, but if you'd like to see him he is located at the Clearwood General Hospital."

I hung up the phone minutes after hearing her explain, I had so many questions she couldn't answer, i dont think anyone could. Who did this to him? Why would they? Is Harry in trouble with something i dont know about? I guess I'll never know until i ask him. The only thing i think to do before going to the hospital is call Kendall.

Kendall's POV

The loud ringing of my phone wakes me up as i check who the heck would call me this early, then i realize it's already noon.

"Hello..?" I say into the phone sounding like a recorded message.

"Kendall meet me at the Clearwood General Hospital in 5 mins!" Jenna practically screams into the phone, what's going on?

Without arguing with the poor girl I simply agree and get in my brothers car. Of course he comes running out screaming at me to get out, when I tell him its important, he gets in. It's not what I was expecting but at least i can leave.

I pull out of the driveway and immediately head towards the hospital, going a little faster than I'm technically supposed to. I look over at Zayn, but he seems nervous, pale even.

"Kenni where are we going?" He asks.

"Clearwood General Hospital, were meeting Jenna there and I don't know why.." He clenches his jaw, he's always hated hospitals but he's never done this. Its weird...

Jenna's POV

Finally I see Kendall pull into the parking lot, but she's not alone. She could have brought anyone out of all people and she brings Zayn?! I need a serious talk with that girl, but later obviously. I greet them and practically run into the hospital, asking the nice lady at the front desk for Harry Styles room number.

"Room 824" She tells me and I head straight for the elevator motioning Kendall and Zayn over to follow me up to his room, praying Harry's okay.

Coming out i walk through the halls that all look the exact same in my point of view, and finally find room number 824, the door slightly open. Too anxious to wait any longer, i push the door open all the way and see my beautiful baby, so lifeless, and hurt. Like an angel in a peaceful sleep except the fact that he's covered in cuts and bruises. I don't know who did this or why, but I swear as soon as I found out, they'll know who Jenna Thompson is...

Zayn's POV

Of course I'm nervous, walking into that room is the most stressful thing I've ever done.

Specially when I know that I'm the one who did this to him...

-------------------------------- Hey guys! I'm so sorry it's been so long since a new update but I will TRY to update more often, I'm very busy but I do my best. Anyways I know you guys will be VERY, VERY, mad at me... This story is going way farther than I expected and I'm so proud of it!! Please comment your thoughts and give me feedback;)!! Ily guys!<3


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