Chapter 1

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It was a hot spring here in El Paso, Texas. And after hitting my snooze bar a fifth time, I finally managed to roll myself out of bed and get ready.

I threw on some sweatpants and an AC/DC shirt.

On my way to school, I noticed that a house across from mine was marked as sold. I felt bad for the new homeowners in a sense because I know firsthand how loud it gets.

My mother and her boyfriend are always yelling. Even time has no time in when they fight. And they're not the only loud house. The whole street is loud and annoying in some form or another.

On my way to school, I stopped at the gas station for breakfast. I ended up buying Oreos and Coca-Cola. After scarfing down my food I tossed away the garbage and continued headed toward Jefferson High School.

Once I entered my English class, I saw that a new kid was sitting at the nest right next to mine. I was grabbing my homework assignment when the new kid spoke.

"You like AC/DC," He asked, his eyes fixated on my shirt.

"Yeah, you?"

"Who doesn't?" He said, leaning back in his chair. I smiled as I began to smooth out my essay.

"All right everyone, take your seats." My English teacher, Mr. Duet said, although we were already sitting down.

After Mr. Duet collected our essays, he went on to explain today's assignment.

"You all are to write a letter to your future senior self. And you will wait until you graduate before reading the letter again. You will also give me a duplicate copy to grade. Any questions?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw the new kid raise his hand.

"Yes, Ricardo?"

What if I don't graduate? What if I, I don't know, drop out?"

"That's completely absurd. Why would you do such a thing?" Mr. Duet said, sounding as though Ricardo asked if he could burn the school down.

"Because, school fucking sucks."

"That is no way to talk, young man. Now go to the principal's office this instant."

"Works for me." Ricardo said, casually and walked out.

When writing my letter, I left out many details in Mr. Duet's copy. Like how boring his class is. How I can't sleep through my mother and John's arguing. And most embarrassing of all: the fact that I'm still a virgin. It seems that everyone I know has done it. Everyone but me.

I slipped my copy of my letter into my backpack and gave Mr. Duet his modified letter.

For homework, we were to write a letter to our past selves. Great, another useless assignment.

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