Wild magic & Lilith

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I set out two bowls on the counter, I was walking towards the drawer but then I heard Luz saying "Hey, it's fine. I'll get it!" with those words she raised her arm in the air to open the drawer and took out the cereal box. 'I am so tired' I thought as I sat down on the chair next to the long table.

"and.." Luz said with a long pause, while putting the milk back into the fridge, "breakfast is served!" she said while carefully placing the bowl of cereal onto the table. She walked back to the fridge because she forgot to close it, she brought her bowl over to the table and sat down next to me.

-after eating-

I decided to look outside the window to see if it was raining or sunny, but to my surprise I saw a girl with long, blue hair standing at the window. She was watching me while at the same time, talking to somebody on the bird-shaped phone.

''shit, what do I do?'' I thought to myself, I didn't realise that I said it out loud. "Y/n, what's wrong?" Luz asked innocently, I had to come up with something quickly. "uhh, I looked outside and, uhm..." my voice got quieter as I spoke.

Lilith took out her staff and broke the window using the bottom of it, it made a really loud noise that even I gasped. "what ha-" Before Luz could finish talking, Lilith said, "found you." she had a big smile on her face, another coven member, tried to climb inside through the broken window, he made it in but then fell right on top of the broken glass.

"ouch!" The guy said, "oh Steve, what happened this time?" Lilith asked, it was strange. Steve's mask suddenly fell off, it also fell on to the shattered pieces of glass lying on the floor, he quickly picked it up but failed to put it back on.

"That's enough messing around for now, I have to take to you to the emperor now." Lilith announced.

-Luz's pov-

'wait, what? Who is she and why does she want Y/n?' I was very confused, you could tell by the look on my face. I turned to Y/n, they looks like their struggling.

I quickly opened the book that was lying on the counter, it was titled, "Laws & Coven's" I read the chapter names on the front page, the chapter "Wild magic, page 81-93" caught my eye, I quickly skipped to page eighty one.

I read faster then I have ever before. I noticed it said something about a 'coven sigil' I quickly looked at Y/n's wrist, only to notice she never had one, this meant that she was a wild witch. 'Oh, this must be why the emperor wants her so badly.' I thought.

I carelessly set the book back down, I was so pissed off about the rules that I completely forgot about what was happening.

-Y/n's pov-

I tried to push Lilith off of me but she wouldn't move, my eye's widened when I saw Luz. 'Yes! Luz will be able to help me, I'm sure of it.' I thought as I stared at her, but she wouldn't move.

I was actually concerned, I kept asking myself the same question, 'why wouldn't she move?' I shouted her name twice, but still, nothing.

I was too distracted by Luz that I forgot about Lilith, this gave her enough time to atleast get a hold of me, and no matter how much I struggled, she still held tight.

The odds really aren't in my favour

I shouted Luz's name one last time, this time however, she actually turned around. "Oh my titan, I- I am so sorry Y/n! I don't know how I forgot I..." She stopped there.

Lilith picked me up off the ground and opened the door, Luz tried to follow us but fell to her knee's crying, "I... Feel so bad, I'm sorry!" She said as Lilith left the house with me in her arms.

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