He's Upset?

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Heavy raindrops hit the pavement of the sidewalk. Sunoo was staring out the window, watching the water pour down. Jungwon was doing the same but knew that eventually, he'd have to explain what happened in the equipment room.

"I'm ready."

"You sure? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Sunoo kept staring at the rain. He wanted to know what happened but didn't want to force his friend to talk about something he wasn't ready to share.

"No, Hyung. I have to get this out."

"Okay, you said you kissed him to prove a point." Jungwon nods

"What point?"

"Heeseung thinks I like...a boy."

"Seriously? What made him think that?"

Jungwon groans and leans back in his seat.

"That's what I'm confused about too. I'm not sure where Heeseung Hyung got the idea from."

"So, who does he think you like?"

Jungwon gulps.

"Um...you...don't know him. He's a senior."

"Okay, so how does Jay Hyung fall into this? WAIT, is it Jay Hyung?"

"No, no. I was telling Heeseung Hyung how I didn't like boys and that he needed to get off my case about it. Jay Hyung came in, and I thought it was a good idea to prove I wasn't gay by-"

"Kissing him?"


Sunoo starts laughing, and Jungwon frowns. Sunoo notices Jungwon's expression and tries to stop his laughter.

"You kissed a boy to prove your point that you weren't gay?"

"Yeah. If I don't like it, then I'm not."

"I don't think that's how it works, Jungwonie."

"Why not?"

"Take me, for example. The first boy I kissed, I wouldn't say I liked it. I thought the same like maybe I'm not gay since I didn't like it? It wasn't until I kissed a boy I genuinely liked that it made me realized it's not about the act of doing something. It's how you feel about someone. I'm not saying you do go that way, but maybe you didn't like it because you don't like Jay Hyung in that way? How would you feel kissing the boy Heeseung thinks you like?"

Jungwon takes a minute to think. How would I feel if I kissed ...? Am- Ignore it.

"I know I wouldn't like it."

"Okay. You know definitively you wouldn't like it, but there's no way you can prove that to Heeseung Hyung because only you know your truth. He can speculate all he wants's but as long as you know your truth, it shouldn't matter. Just be true to yourself."

"So kissing another boy wasn't the way to go, huh?"

Sunoo chuckles and shakes his head. Then, he gets up from his bed and walks over to Jungwon.

"Want to kiss another to be 100% about it?"

Jungwon's eyes go wide. His heart starts racing, and his hands begin to sweat. He looks at the boy standing over him in the eyes, trying to read him, but he can't. Sunoo had his best poker face, and Jungwon couldn't get a word out. Then, finally, Sunoo burst into laughter after a couple of seconds of silence.

"Jungwon, I'm joking. Did you actually think I was serious?"

"Well...I..uh...um.." Jungwon tried to get a sentence out but was too focused to ensure his heart wasn't popping out of his chest. Sunoo smiles and walks towards the bathroom.

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