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I am very nervous I don't know almost anybody in this place, they are all my sister's acquaintances and she already left with her friends to enjoy the party, I am aware that this is my fault for asking so much of my sister to bring me, although now I regret my actions...

I keep taking small nervous steps in the middle of the crowd, I lost my sister from sight a long time ago, and I hear many voices inviting me to dance or drink something, but I ignore them and run away from the nerves, because of this I collide with someone

--Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and

--It's all right, these little accidents happen.

--I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.

--Yeah, these things happen, don't give it any more thought, why don't we go and sit down so you can relax a little bit?

I followed the stranger, she has a peculiar disguise, she seems to be a nun but she has some fangs sticking out of her mouth.

--Well little one, tell me your name.

--I'm Barbara, nice to meet you

--Rosaria, I guess you are Jean's sister?

--Yes, are you a friend of hers?

--Not really, but it's easy to notice the similarities and tell me, why are you in a place like this?

--I was bored at home and wanted to try something new.

--I see, although there were better options you know, these places can be very dangerous for girls, there are a lot of beasts out there that want to devour young girls like you.

--P-Please don't scare me like that, if I'm in danger I can ask someone for help or look for my sister.

Saying this Rosaria let out a small laugh and began to rub my cheek.

--You're so cute and innocent, not to mention that angel costume fits you like a glove, it makes me want to eat you.

I lost control of my body while Rosaria got closer and closer to the point where I could feel her breath in my mouth, seconds later our lips were sealed and I didn't know what to do, I was submerged in a sea of emotions that kept on increasing...

Time passed and I just let myself go no matter what happened, I have no clear idea when our lips parted or why I'm letting her take me to an unknown place, I just let things happen without giving them much importance...

We walked for a few minutes until we reached a room of the place, in this one there was a big bed with an atmosphere that seems to drag me into the deepest part of this infernal circle

--You know, I am a little envious of the way you are, so tender, innocent, so pure without any stain of corruption, and for this very reason I will be happy to harm you.

Having said this, she began to lick my neck, her hands began to move all over my body, and every part of me is being marked with her caresses while strange sounds start to be produced to replace my words

--You're so cute little girl, ever since I saw you come in I wanted to make you mine, it was a stroke of luck that you had bumped into me.

Her hands began to remove my clothes while her tongue moved all over my neck and her teeth began to leave marks on my skin, my body reacted to every stimulation as if it was asking for more.

--I see that you are too submissive, come on ask me to make you feel better.

I don't quite understand what you're saying, but, I need more of this.


--Come on ask for it


--Ask me good


--That's what I wanted to hear

Her hand began to move quickly through my private parts, the tips of her fingers going inside me and then coming out, making me feel in a very strange way...

Long ago I lost track of time while my whole body was filled with this pleasure, I began to feel something coming, it seemed as if I was about to urinate worried I tried to tell Rosaria, but she seeing how I was acting only accelerated more her movements

--Quiet, let it out

After saying that Rosaria introduced her fingers a little deeper and pressed them against my interior, this caused an incredible sensation to run through my whole body tensing it and generating the "urine" to come out, I felt very tired and I closed my eyes...

The rays of the sun began to provoke a great discomfort, I covered my eyes with my hand and I begin to open them slowly, I try to stand up, but something prevents me, when I saw what it was I could appreciate the naked figure of Rosaria hugging me, little by little the memories come to my mind and I blush too much, I did not know what to do or how to feel, in my worry I feel as someone grabs my head and hugs me against her chest

--How did you wake up

--Well, I'm sorry about yesterday, I peed on you and I'm sorry.

--You're so sweet, that wasn't urine, but I don't think you understand now, next time I'll explain it to you.

--Next time?

--Yes, let's say I ended up falling for your charms, besides, something tells me that you also have feelings for me.

I just nodded as I hugged her

--Then, let me stay like this forever.

Rosaria started kissing me and I just let myself go again.

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