Let Me See

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"Try me," He breathes, golden eyes boring into yours.

"No, I only use my powers to kill," You tell him, turning away. He moves suddenly and you swiftly catch his sword blade with your teeth, giving him a wild eyed glare, breath frosting the blade, he tried to remove his sword from your teeth but it wouldn't budge. "I. Said. No." You growl, tightening your jaw, making the blade cry out like it was about to be shattered. He stares at you calmly, before closing his eyes briefly.

"What a nasty temper... Is that why you won't spar with me? Afraid you'll black out?" He guesses quietly your gaze softens and release the blade.

"There's a time to push things, and a time to let it be... Something like sparring is dangerous right now.... Challenge me again when Im more at ease," You reply. He nods, peeling off the ice that had gradually formed on the blade.

"Was that your restless howling last night?" He inquires, swiftly drying off the blade before discarding the sword into his shadow and making it disappear.

"Yeah.... Sorry if it kept you up..." You tell him.

"No need to apologize, I found it soothing in a way," He admits, looking toward the crowd of curious Souless. You blink at him in surprise. He glances at you and scratches the back of his head. "Also, I apologize for being short with you," He adds. You smirk a bit, giving him a quick look and down.

"No, I think you're the right size," You joke. He looks over at you and chuckles.

"I'll take that as 'you're forgiven'," He muses. You give a nod as you both start for the crowd that was obviously disappointed about not getting to your fight.

"Alright Ocean House, lets see what you got!" You chime.

"What.... What are they doing?" You murmur to Law.

"I think they're trying to use their abilities," He whispers back. The Souless before we're making odd gestures and looking constipated at the same time.

"I can't watch this anymore.... Guys, girls! Stop, I don't know what the hell you're doing but stop," You tell them. They listen, looking at you like you scolded them. "Okay, can someone please explain what you guys have been doing for the last ten minutes?"

"Trying to use our powers," Sabo replies.

"Why does it look like you guys are constipated then? Are you afraid to use your abilities?" You question. Looks are exchanged amongst the group and slight nods are given. "How the hell are you supposed to control something you fear? That power is a part of you." You scold them.

"Your abilities are like wolves, you can try to train them all you want. But if you show fear or weakness, they'll turn on you," Law speaks up. You chuckle and nudge him.

"If youre worried about hurting someone then spread out more, let your power go wild, you'll learn how to control it by knowing what exactly it's capable of," You add. They start to spread out at that. "And relax a bit, let them flow naturally."

Now they were showing improvements. Ace and Sabo were playing their fire abilities, Sabo's giving off more of a bluish flame. Luffy was stretching his arms to impressive lengths. Kid seemed like he was having trouble with his. You exchange a look with Law. "You," He murmurs.

"Why me? He's your roommate," You whisper back.

"You need to try and bond with the troublesome ones," He shoots back. You pout and drop to your knees, hugging his leg and looking up at him with puppy eyes.

"Pwease~!" You plead. He swiftly avoids your gaze, that move was deadly.

"No, get off my leg.... They're looking..." He tells you, not looking at you.

"Law~" You whine.

"___," He says. You sigh and release his leg before standing up.

"Fine..." You grumble, going over to Kid, "Come on big guy, lets go," You tell him putting him in a headlock and dragging him off.

"H-Hey! Let me--" His protest is muffled by you adjusting your hold on him so his face was against your breasts. He flails, giving muffled curses as you round a building before releasing him. He gasps for air, face red and glaring at you.

"What's up with you? Don't know how to use it?" You ask, folding your arms. He scowls and straightens.

"I know how to use it, there's just nothing to work with out there..." He sighs.

"What do you need then?" You ask him.

"Metal," He answers. You blink and smirk.

"Then I'll get you some metal, go wait in the field and I'll be right back," You tell him. He blinks and arches an eyebrow at you.

"Alright..." He says before leaving. You look around, where to find scrapmetal. You go into one of the buildings and smirk.

"Everything looks like scraps to me," You chuckle, drawing out your claws.

Kid blinks in surprise as you drag up the upside down table which held all kinds of scrap metal as well as a satisfied smirk on your lips.

"Here ya are~ hope this'll do..." You tell him leaving the table of scraps in front of him.

"Oh... Thanks," He says, lifting his arm and drawing in the scraps to form a giant arm.

"I never seen one like that.... Cool," You comment.

"When can we see yours?" He inquires you stretch.

"All in good time Kid, hopefully," You breathe with a smirk. "Now, back to training!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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