Chapter One: The Herbology Professor

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I'm snuggled up next to Mummy as she strokes my hair (it's long and blonde at the moment). Daddy's messing around with his wand, making coloured sparks shoot out the end.

"Mira esto," Daddy tells me and different coloured animals dance around the room. My daddy's Spanish and has always spoken Spanish to me whereas my mummy has spoken English to me. I've become fluent in both.

I giggle as a sparkly, red wolf sniffs my ear. The night goes on and my parents grow anxious as the night progresses and I can't figure out why.

Daddy goes to take the bins out but he runs back in and hisses rapid fire instructions at Mummy.

"They're here. Go upstairs, take Lirio. Go!" Mummy leaps of the sofa, dragging me with her. We're about halfway up the stairs when three men in black, hooded robes burst through door and they all have their wands pointed at me.

"Give us the girl," the tallest one snarls. Mummy edges me up the stairs blocking me from view. "We don't want to kill anyone, just give her to us."

"Over my dead body," Daddy says boldly, his English heavily accented.

"That can be arranged," the shortest man says and I'm blown off my feet. The shortest man mutters a curse and a jet of green light hits Daddy square in the chest. The spell seems to bounce around and the windows shatter.

"Go," Mummy whispers in my ear, shoving me further up the stairs. We dive into my bedroom, narrowly avoiding another curse.

The men follow behind, trashing everything in their wake. They storm into my room and Mummy stands between me and them, keeping me out of sight.

"Please don't hurt her!" She begs with men, "just leave her be!"

"I'm afraid we can't do that," the middle one answers stepping ever closer. Mummy mutters a spell and talks into her wand.

"Please! Please! They're in the house, they've killed my husband and now they're my daughter! Help us!" Help us please-" she doesn't get chance to finish as a curse hits her and she collapses. Her long, blonde hair is fanned out behind her head and her eyes wide open and staring.

"Mummy!" I cry, and my hair turns grey with upset. How could they? How could they kill my brilliant parents? I drop down beside her, my tears splashing on the floor.

"Come on now," one of the men says menacingly, stepping to close for comfort. "Come with us and everything will be okay.

I shake my head and back further into the corner. These people definitely mean me harm. The tallest one grows angry and steps forward to grab me. Before he can reach me, I let out the loudest, most blood-curdling scream possible and the world around me goes dark.

I sit up in a cold sweat, shaking all over. Every time I close my eyes for sleep, that night six years ago replays over and over again. Other than what I see in my nightmares, I don't remember much else from that night apart from a dark haired man carrying me from the house and a red haired man closing my dead mother's eyes.

I stare up and look around the dormitory. They other girls are still fast asleep in their iron bunk beds, snoring peacefully away. They have no idea how horrible nights can be. I lie back and wait for the wake up call.

I hate life here in the home. All the kids are sad and mopey, wishing for someone to take them away. Most of them are squibs, people born to magical families without magic, and have been abandoned by their parents. Although we do have couple of werewolf children and one half giant.

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