Heist At The Walmart

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Nora stood in her kitchen, preparing breakfast. She had some culinary experience, due to the cooking class she took in high school & some baking she had done with Leslie. This morning, she was making some scrambled eggs. Sorrel entered the kitchen, yawning.


They looked over Nora's shoulder at the skillet.

"What'cha makin'?"
"Eggs. Scrampled."
"Scrampled?" they chuckled.
"I said what I said."

Sorrel leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Gosh, I remember when you were just a wee kid. You were, like, 3 or 4 or something like that, & Mom was making scrambled eggs. You would always call them scrampled eggs."
"Yea, yea, Dad's shown me the tape of me trying to say 'scrambled' correctly, like, a million times now."

Nora turned off the stove. The scrambled eggs were finished. She took out a couple of paper plates & put the eggs on them.

"You want a fork or a spoon with this?"
"Can I have both?"

Nora rolled her eyes. "One spork coming right up," she said, spinning around to the cabinet & opening it up, grabbing a spork & a regular fork. She stuck the spork onto one of the plates & handed it to Sorrel.

"Thanks," Sorrel said, grabbing their plate.
"No prob." Nora stuck her fork into the other plate, taking a bite out of the scrambled eggs.

The two of them stood there eating their eggs in silence.

"So.. uh..." Nora hummed. "When are you gonna tell Mom & Dad you dropped out?"
"Hopefully never, if I can handle that," Sorrel said, mouth full of egg. "Maybe if the time comes, I'll tell them. For now, though? I'd rather it be kept secret."
"Well.. I suppose we all have our secrets."
"I suppose so."

Sorrel finished up their scrambled eggs fairly quickly. Nora was still only on the second bite.

"Anyways, that was the last of the eggs."
"I'll have to go by Walmart later today & buy more. Bleh."
"I just hope they've restocked the bananas. When I went there yesterday, they had none."

Intentionally not mentioning why the bananas were out of stock, Nora set down her scrambled eggs & took out her phone. "I'm gonna ask the others if they wanna come shop with me."

She quickly sent a text to the group chat.

Nora: hey who wants 2 come shop w/ me. im outta eggs.

"& now we wait for a response," she said, putting the phone on the counter & grabbing her eggs again.
"Oh! I was gonna ask you earlier, but.. what's up with that flyer you brought home last night?"
"Y'know.. the purple one about the auction."

Nora froze.

"Oh, that one. Some guy handed it to us after rehearsal last night. Guess I forgot to throw it away."
"It does sound kind of interesting," Sorrel said. "I'd like to go to the auction."
"You can go if you want to." Nora shrugged, finishing up her eggs. "I'm not interested."
"Alright, your loss."

Nora's phone buzzed a couple of times. She grabbed it & looked at the group chat.

Leslie: ya sounds fun :3
Cherry: sure
Kalani: 👍
Juniper: ok lol

"What'd they say?" Sorrel asked, leaning over to look at Nora's phone.
"They said yes," Nora said, quickly shutting off her phone & shoving it in her pocket. "Better get going now."
"Have fun! & tell them I said hi!"
"I will!"


Nora pulled her car up into the Walmart parking lot.

"We're here," she said, unbuckling her seatbelt.
"This is the Walmart with the ballpit, yea?"
"There's a Walmart with a ballpit in this city?"
"Yeah! You've never been to it?"
"Well, I guess we'll see if this is it when we get out & go inside the Walmart."

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