Chapter 1

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My head is hurting. Who is making all that buzzing sound? Wait. Please do not tell me there are bees here, I hate bees. Can they just shut up, like I am trying to sleep? As I am regaining consciousness, I began realizing that there are not any bees, instead, the school alarms went off.

Hello, my name is Noël Zhang and I am half Chinese and British which is white. I am fortunate to not be whitewashed but my cousins were not so lucky after all. Those snitches and bitches deserve it. Mind my language, the majority of the time I am a composed person... Maybe not all the time. Who cares? Back to the story at hand.

I look around me and only darkness is to be seen. The red flashing lights appear from time to time to indicate that there is an emergency. "Fuck, I should have not taken a nap. Where is everyone?" My roommates are not here. It is because everyone went outside for the campfire. 

I forgot. All of a sudden, I hear footsteps approaching. They are not close but sooner or later, they will be. Wolf hearing comes in handy or... Eary? That was bad, forget that I said that. "They are here already?" The footsteps are approaching my door and my heartbeat has accelerated quite evidently. I am not even wearing anything either! I quickly grab the closest clothes to me - which ends up being a thigh-length tank top. I wear this kind of like a black mini dress.

A deep voice booms on the other side of my room door, "Someone is in here, I can smell them." Another responds, "Didn't the school evacuate the building, why is there a student still in here?" My door literally flew off its hinges when someone kicked it. 

Yeah, no. 

Definitely, no.

This cannot be happening right now as I am half-naked.

Three men and one woman enter my room with, I am guessing, guns loaded and pointed at me with anesthetic bullets and that is when I felt it. 

I swear to god if my mate is some gay or child-looking man I wi-

A man walks in, decked out in military-given metals. Not gay or child-looking. 

A word silently booms in this room. "Mate." Both our whispers made their way to the ears of the bystanders. Might as well be their mouths, they are wide open.

Beautiful. Tan skin, dark hair, and those greenish-brown eyes I would get lost so easily in. He is really beautiful. I know my face shows hints of surprise but instead, the military general man squints his eyes ever so slightly. This is when I comprehend my surroundings. I am in a fairly medium-sized room with me basically naked in front of 6 strange men and a woman. 

What a great first expression.

"Hey, it is nice to meet you. Can you just move you and your people a little bit to the right so I can run away?" I say already getting in my stance to run. Now, you probably wonder why I am going to run away, well it is because I just got mind-linked by my sister, Mei, that the fucking First Army is here to seize a runaway foreign creature. These people are apart of that fucking army. "As much as I would like to chit chat and get to you, I would rather not want to be killed. Can I leave? If you rather prefer, I can jump out the window? You choose." I am so down jumping out of the window and escape this awkward interaction. I am sure I will meet him again sooner or later, I am not worried.

"You come with me." That is all my mate said while expecting me to follow.

"Sir, I think you are new to this treacherous world. Never trust strangers." I smile at him before trying to walk pass him. Of course, he would not let me go, stupid me.

He grabs my upper arm with his big hands. I flex my biceps to loosen his grip, didn't work. He begins dragging me out of my room. "Woah dude, back off." I snatch my arm away from his grip and back off so he won't be able to reach me again. "My apologies, I have not introduced myself. I am Kieran Vanlice, the General of the First Army."

"Well, I am Charlie, from the Charlie Chocolate Factory. Very nice to meet you, I have to rejoin the rest of the school outside." I am in no position to be mated with the General of the First Army, especially since I am a part of The Order. I spin around to go, and to my surprise, there were no objections. He instead, resulted in following me. Our footsteps and the sound of the alarm are the only things heard. The haste sound of my footsteps compared to his calm ones. I miraculously navigated through these endless halls and made it to the exit. Thinking he would continue following me outside, from the corner of my eye, I see him turn around in an instant. Must have gotten a mind link.

I see my sister and I rush to her. "Oh my god, you won't believe what just happened." I try telling her hastily but instead, she cuts me off. "Tell me that later! Are you an idiot? A rogue creature sneaked into our school, did you not hear the alarm?" Mei says while shaking the shit out of me, probably trying to find my brain. "Yeah, I met the First Army; and no, I did not hear the alarm because I was dead asleep and no one woke me up!" I sleep like a freaking bear in hibernation, ok? I didn't hear the alarm. The headmistress comes towards us, I am probably in serious trouble. She hates me but has a certain love for me, at least that is what I think. "Miss Zhang, I am glad you are safe. I have been informed by the General that he wishes to speak to you after this emergency is resolved." She just walks away after dropping a slight concerning bomb. "What did you do, Noël? I swear to g-."

"He is my mate."

"Ok, that makes sense- wait, what the fuck?! The General is your mate?!" She whisper-screams, again, while shaking the shit out of me. Probably trying to find my heart. "Yeah! I am shocked as fuck too. I seriously did not believe he was the General, probably a lower rank until the Headmistress came up to us." Fuck, my heart is beating way too fast for my good.

"Thank you for your cooperation, the issue is resolved and you may continue with your day." I hear my mate's voice. I do not want to meet him in front of the whole Order. I try blending in with the rest of the crowd so he could not find me but I feel his hand grip my arm before I was pulled out and dragged to the other side of the building. "Sir, can you please not drag me, I like having my skin without any bruises. Even if they are yours." Why the fuck did I say the last part. He does let go of me though.

"It is Kieran for you..." 

"Noël, Noël Zhang." God had blessed my voice as it came out as confident in this nerve-wracking moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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