Part idk again

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Arizonas POV

I woke up in this empty room tied up where am I? what is going on? I hear the door slam and I see somebody but I feel like I know them I see Callie what was happening she then said "hi Arizona I'm glad to see you are awake now time for me to do what I want" I suddenly felt a sting on my face that bitch slapped me " what the fuck Callie what did you just do you little son of a bitch bastard." I said to her try to get out of the ties she then said "you deserve a bad punishment for what you said" at that point I was scared

It was the next day and I haven't eaten anything and I smell and my whole body hurts when I looked down I had no pants on and my mouth was covered with tape I already know what happened

Amelia's POV

I couldn't stop crying it was my fault I should've been working with her. Nobody knows but Zona and I had a big fight when she went to work one day but then she left and I haven't seen her since Monday

Y/n saw me crying and they instantly ran up to me this is why they are my best friend I don't why but we relate so much


I saw Ames crying and my heart broke the love of her life is currently missing and might die

I was about to call Jayje but she called me first "hello" I said she then said "hi babe so we have some updates Callie currently has Arizona in a abandoned house which looks like they both lived there before we are all going there but I don't think we will catch her it's a really long drive we are trying our best" I had it on speaker so Ames could hear " okay then babe I love you" I said
She said " I love you so much more I will call you with more updates bye I love you" I say bye and hang up and Amy started crying again she then told me that her a Zona got into a big fight and she hadn't seen her since Monday and she wouldn't reply to her text or calls and that when Callie Texted her that random message then when she looked in the gc that frightened her

Arizona POV

I woke up again and I felt a sting on the side of my body I feel sick and I don't know my name or what day it is I want to leave this place I don't know what's happening but the place looks familiar it was me and Callie's old home when we were married

I want to leave I suddenly hear her she says "hello beautiful did you miss me"
I then said "son of a bitch no I didn't I hope you rot in hell " at that point I was scared and I didn't know what to do I suddenly felt punching and kicking on my body that soon knocked me out


I can't believe it the Arizona Robbins she was like the nicest person I ever met she is like my second best friend she was like a sister to me Hotch comes up to me and says "Ok Jayje we need to describe Arizona Robbins a little more for us assuming that you've met her before ." "okay umm her name is Arizona Robbins she is 36 years old she has blond hair and ocean blue eyes she is 5,2 and that's all I could think of right now" I know that we are gonna find her I'm trying my best to keep it together

Emily says " I knew that son of a bitch Callie would do something it's just the way she looked at them I felt it. Arizona is so nice I don't why she would do this it's unfair that this happens." Since Emily and Zona were both born to be Lesbians they got along pretty quick and I loved it

Derek then says " I'm gonna call Steph to see how they are holding up" all we hear is a hey babe and then he left somewhere else I am absolutely sure that we are gonna find that bastard

Y/n called me telling me about what happened with Ames and Zona and I felt so bad how could this happen again I hope we find her 

Callie POV

Finally I got her to myself I wasn't gonna kill her but now that she keeps rejecting me I will I am gonna kill her just wait

I knew that her and Dr Shepherd got into a. Fight so I knew that was the perfect way to get her to myself
I brought her to our old home which is gonna be our house again once she's with me again. She is so perfect and gorgeous with her silky blonde hair and those ocean blue eyes that you could always fall in love with I want her all to myself

"YOU SON OF A BITCH" she called me which made me furious and I slapped her how dare she say that I'm helping her

"You left me no other choice but to do this " I pulled out a knife then I heard a thud and somebody say it's the FBI . These people are idiots it's all going according to plan . I stab Arizona  and then I try to climb out the window but somebody shot my shoulder and put me in hand cuffs. Somebody then said "Calliope Torres you are fucking under arrest for kidnapping and stabbing somebody"

Emily POV

After I said that I whispered under my breath " you little stupid son of a bitch I will ficking kill you for doing that" knowing that if people heard that I would lose my job

Amelia POV

They found her but she was stabbed in the leg and was sent to the hospital

I ran to her hospital room and said " Oh thank god your okay I'm so so so sorry this was all my fault I should've have never started that fight I'm sorry I love you so much I don't wanna lose you ever"
I kissed her and hugged her so tightly
She said "it's not your fault I love you so much more"

A/n:hi lovelies I finally finished the chapter

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I love you all

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